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Colleen covered her mouth at the sight of Shaw's lifeless corpse. She would never thought Erik was really capable of doing this. "Oh, my God. Erik," she whispered.

"Today our fighting stops," Erik proclaimed. He dropped Shaw on the ground like it wasn't heavy. He continued his speech, "Take off your blinders, brothers and sisters. The real enemy is out there!" He pointed at the swarming fleet of ships that were approaching the island they were standing on. He proceeded to claim that the fleets are preparing to launch their weapons at them.

Charles confirmed her was right. Before Moira could alert them, the Russians and Americans doubtlessly fired their missiles, which Erik controlled with his abilities and turned the missiles right back at them. With all the plants around Colleen right now, she could have stopped him but she didn't. For some reason, Erik has got her at 'the real enemy'.

"There are thousands of men on those ships — good, honest and innocent men," Charles managed to distract him, "They're just following orders!" He begged, but Erik was immovable.

"I've been at the mercy of men just following orders," said Erik persistently. He turned at Charles, "Never again." Then, he carried on to turn the missiles at the ships.

Next, Agent Moira made a mistake in attempting to stop Erik by firing bullets at him. She didn't know deflecting bullets was what he does best. However, one of the bullets deflected hit Charles in the lower spine. Charles fell to the ground, frail from the pain. When Erik realized what he has done, his control over the missiles plunged, unintentionally dropping them into the sea. Some even exploded in mid flight.

He held his paralyzed best friend in his arms and blamed Moira for it, choking her with her chain necklace until Charles told him he was responsible. "We're starting on each other, it's what they want," Erik said, "I tried to warn you, Charles. I want you on my side. We're brothers, you and I. All of us. We should protect each other. We want the same thing." He persuaded but Charles was a man of a bigger mind.

Charles let out a painful laughter, "I'm sorry, my friend, but we do not." Moira rushed to his side, replacing Erik.

In the end, he delivered a speech to declare his own side and Colleen finally understood what he meant that night when he mentioned 'picking sides'. She stepped to Charles's side where Raven and Moira were holding him supportively. "Thank you for the chance, Charles," she kissed his forehead — the best, realest friend she ever really had.

Raven grabbed her hand like she did to her once, "Please, Charles needs you like I do."

She brushed Raven's cheek and smiled painfully, "He needs you more. Take care of him."

"What about me?" Raven cried, reluctantly watching her go.

"You'll be well. Remember, mutant and proud." Colleen said before finally leaving to take Erik's hand. He held her tightly, with enough delight knowing that Colleen chose to be with him over Charles, her best friend of nearly a decade. She didn't only part with Charles and Raven but also the very good friends she made; Beast, Banshee and Havok.

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