-The end of the thing called US -

54 9 15

She was admitted to the nearby hospital. Her parents arrived soon after getting the news. They were talking to the doctor while Jin was sitting in a chair which was by the bed, holding her hand.

How he wished all of this is just a part of a nightmare. But no. All this was happening in real.

Is she going to leave him so soon?

But why?

They just started enjoying each other's company.

Then why?

When her eyes opened a tear fell down.

"Y-Y/n, are you okay?" He asks in concern.

"J-Jin, I-I don't think I'll be able to live any longer. T-This is the end," She says as tears fell down.

"Don't ever say that! You aren't going anywhere! You'll stay here! With me! We still have a lot of things to see- to do!"

"No Jin, don't live with fake hopes. We need to accept our fate. But...

Will I sound selfish if I say I wanted to live longer?

For you?"

Hearing her he couldn't hold back and broke into tears.

"Why does this need to be us? Why?! I just wanted to spend more time with you! Why didn't I approach you sooner?!"

"Shh, don't blame yourself. You didn't know who I was back then, then how can you approach me?"


"This is what fate has for us. We can't do anything about it."

"Why are you so calm? Is this what you wanted? For this- us, to end?" He asks in an almost angry tone.

"I never said that," she said couldn't believe his words.

"But you do sound like you wanted this to end!" He shouts getting worked up.

"Jin, don't talk like that, it hurts..." she says as her feelings were hurt by his words.

"S-Sorry, I'm worthless. I couldn't even fulfill your last wish."

"You do not need to be upset. You've already fulfilled 6 of my wishes, and among them, the dance we did today was the best. Thank you so much for helping me fulfilling my wishes."

"But what about the remaining wish? Just tell me and I'll fulfill it right away. What is that wish?" He asks impatiently.

"No need Jin. You don't need to know. I'm happy that you were able to fulfill 6 of them."

"But I want to-"

"No Jin, no."

"How could I ignore the last wish of the love of my life?!" He says as he sounded very broken.

Hearing that Y/n's heart wrenched.

Why, WHY?!

She never wanted to catch feelings for him, but she did.

She never wanted him to catch feelings for her, but he did too.

She should've been a bit more careful. But what more she could do when she stopped caring about her short lifespan when she met him?

"I love you Y/n and I can't just sit still like this," He says, as it's totally clear how hurt he is.

Y/n stays silent not uttering a single word.

"Of course, it sounds strange how I manage to catch feelings for you in just 6 days. But my feelings for you are true. I love you Y/n-"

"I love you too but does that matter anymore?" She says as tears fell down. "I'm going to die soon so it's better you forget you had feelings for me," she says trying to suppress her tears.

"H-How- how could you say that so easily? Never in my life even I'd try to forget my feelings for you. So why?" He says as he was hurt by what she said.

"I don't want you to feel hurt at the end. Just the thought of it horrifies me," she sobs as she turned her head to the other side.

"For this once Y/n, could you stop thinking about others?

For once can you think for yourself?

Can you just love me, for now, the way I do?

For once can we enjoy us being a couple?"

Y/n remains silent. But she sits up. Jin looked at her worriedly.

"Are you sure you can sit?" He asks worriedly.

She chuckles, "Yes, I'm feeling a bit better so I think I can sit," she turns to face him, "Jin, this time I'll say it properly.

I love you."

"I love you too Y/n. I love you too," with that, he hugs her shedding more tears.

Pulling from the hug they looked into the eyes of each other & slowly leaned forward, closing their eyes.

As their lips touched each other, they shared a very passionate kiss full of love but with more mixed emotions.

They were hurt cause they both knew how it was going to end. Pulling from the kiss Jin looked at her and smiled as he cupped her face.

"We shared our first kiss," he smiles.

"Yes," she smiles & nods as a tear roll down.

They spend the time talking and without their notice, both fell asleep. Their parent's stayed outside as they notice them having their moment.

Jin's eyes open to some strange noises. When he notices it's Y/n he panics.

"Y/n! What happened?!" He asks worriedly.

"My head! My head is hurting-" and she faints.

He calls the doctor and soon after she was taken to the operation theater.

Unfortunately, she didn't survive.

I regret how I wasn't able to fulfill the last wish. It could've been something important- something precious and yet I missed it.

But what more can I do if you weren't planning to tell me anyway?

I won't be able to forgive myself for not being able to fulfill all of them.

Forgive me Y/n. I should've tried a bit harder.

I'll never forget the moments we shared. They were beautiful, just like you. I wish to see you in my next life if that exists.

And I'll try my best to keep you happy. I'll do everything I wanted to do in this life.

Hope you won't forget me. Just remember that I love you and will always love you.

No one can take your place.

This heart is yours and will always be your

7 Wishes - K.SJ ✔Where stories live. Discover now