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Today Y/n & Jin are at a shopping mall and she clearly knows why. It's her 3rd wish.

"How long are we going to walk?" Y/n asks as they keep on walking.

"Till you see something you want," he replies.

"But what are we going to buy?"

She asked as he halts. He turned to her.

"What do you mean? It's your wish. You should know what you want to buy," he says.

"Um...you really don't have any problem?" She asks.

"Yes, tell me what you want to buy," he says smiling.

She doesn't say anything but drags him towards a shop. She went to the female staff as the staff greets them.

"Welcome, sir. Welcome, Ma'am. What you'd like to have?" She asks smiling.

"Can you show us some t-shirts? Which we both can wear? Not one t-shirt by the way. I'm talking about matching t-shirts," Y/n says.

"Sure ma'am, please follow me," she smiles showing them the way.

Y/n drags Jin along. They look through a lot of t-shirts and she liked one specific t-shirt. On the blue t-shirt, there were some cartoonish sharks. She thinks it's cute.

"We'd like this one here. One blue and one pink please?" Y/n says.

"You know we can look for some other t-shirts too right?" Jin asks kinda wondering if she was joking.

"What? What's wrong with it? It looks cute," She says smiling widely.

"And you want me to wear this?" He asks.

"Of course. Why...do you have any problem?" She asks as her smile slowly fades.

"N-No, I didn't mean that. I'd love to wear it," He says smiling.

Y/n again smiles as she looked at him.

"Here ma'am your t-shirts," The staff says passing her a bag.

"Thank you," Y/n bows.

"How much is it?"

He asks as he went to pay. After payment, they again walked but Y/n looked a bit different. As if she wants to tell him something.

"Do you want to tell me something?" He asks as he stops & looked at her.

"Uh...can we put on the t-shirts now?" She asks kinda hesitant.

Jin smiles, "Of course, why do you look so hesitant? In fact, I was wondering when we'll wear it."

Y/n smiles again as excitement in her eyes can clearly be seen. She hands him the blue t-shirt as he put it on over his yellow t-shirt & Y/n puts her pink t-shirt over her white top.

They again start to walk. This time Y/n drags Jin to another shop. She looked at the rack which was full of headbands and Jin wondered what she is planning now.

She takes two matching headbands as Jin paid for them. They came out of the shop.

"Why did you buy two same headbands?" He asks as he keeps on walking.

"One is for me and the other is for you," She says smiling.

"For me?" He asks a bit shocked.

"Yes, do you want me to put it on for you?" She asks.

Jin again smiles as he nods. Y/n did try to put it on but he is too tall and she couldn't reach so she soon give up. He chuckled as she looked cute while pouting.

He knelt and then asks her to put it on. Even he doesn't know why he is being so dramatic by kneeling down.

She happily does so as Jin stands back in his position. Looking at her bright smile he also couldn't help but smile.

They later brought some other stuff and then went to have something.

The chocolate coffee she was having has finally finished as she puts down the cup.

Jin chuckles as she clearly hasn't noticed there was some cream over her lips.

He took out his phone and clicked on a photo.

"Why did you click the photo?" She asks kinda confused.

He again chuckled cause she clearly looked like a kid. He shakes his head as he takes a tissue. He leans forwards causing her to get frozen in her seat.

He wipes off the cream as he looked at her & smiles. A tint of blush appeared on her cheeks as he was too close.

"You had some cream over your lips," He says sitting back properly.

I didn't know that was the day I started enjoying your company

7 Wishes - K.SJ ✔Where stories live. Discover now