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Today Y/n is packing her bag. Today they're going for a campfire. After watching all those movies she always wanted to try something like this with her partner or boyfriend.

After packing everything she needs, she gets out and there she sees Jin standing. She ran to him as they get in the cab.

They reach their location in the evening. As they reached the spot where they'll put on the tent they sat down on the grass. After the long drive, they're kind of tired.

But Jin stood up as he start to prepare for the campfire. When that was done he takes out two foldable chairs as he asks Y/n to sit. While Y/n was sitting she observed Jin.

He was so dedicated over all this. She kinda felt emotional as her eyes filled with tears. But she held them back.

"Do you need help?" She asks.

"No I'm fine," he replies as he fixes the tent a bit.

After the work with the tent was also done he takes his seat.

"You must be tired. Take this," She passes him a water bottle.

"Thank you," he gulped down some water. "I really needed this," he gives back the bottle to her.

"Mention not. It's nothing compared to what you're doing for me," she smiles gently.

She takes out some containers that contain food. Luckily they were still warm so without wasting any time they dig in.

While eating they spend time talking and again they enjoyed everything they talked about. After they were done they put the containers back in the bag.

They talked more while Y/n stared at the fire like a curious little kid. Jin chuckled feeling happy that she is enjoy her moment.

While she was busy staring at it he takes out his guitar and starts to play. Y/n flinched and looked at him.

"You remembered?!" She asks, very shocked.

He just smiles and plays the guitar. Soon after he starts to sing too.

"You're good at singing," she smiles complimenting.

He just continued singing.

Y/n stared at him, impressed by his singing. He looked very mesmerizing to her. He looks so focused. After all, he said singing is his hobby.

She vibes with the song, just admiring him as a smile crept on her lips.

How she wishes she could stay with him for the rest of her life. But that could only happen in her dreams.

He is so kind. He took the effort to complete her silly wishes.

He once said 'The wishes you're calling silly are the most beautiful wishes.'

He is so sweet.

Your existence alone is shining.

I'm wondering if I can stand by your side.

You're my earth, to you I'm just a moon

Your little star, that lights up your heart.

You're my earth and all I see is you...

The lyrics of the song seem romantic, she couldn't help but wonder. She kinda felt like he is telling those phrases to her.

She smiled as she looked at him. He looked at her and smiled.

I wish that moment lasted forever, Y/n

7 Wishes - K.SJ ✔Where stories live. Discover now