17. Underworld

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( Kiara's Pov. )

        As we reach the lobby at the DOA we got to the desk "we need a ride" Annabeth announce Charon look to us annoyed "what's your business half-bloods?" He asked I handed him a handful of drachmas "we need a ride now" I demanded.

          He sighed and lead us to the elevator it rush down and everything went dim lighted as we rode down the river styx we got down the boat but then the shoes that Percy got from Luke that I almost forgot that was there.

         Percy gave it to Grover because he can't use it, it took flight and pull Grover close to the pit before he even fall to it I grabbed his leg and tugged the shoe out but there's still the other one.

       Percy lunged and try to catch up with us as the other shoe kept pulling Grover along with me into the pit.

      Finally he reach us and he tugged the other shoe and drop it to the ground Annabeth caught up to us panting we got out of that side of underworld as we follow the other souls to the registration area as we neared the entrance I heard some snarling behind me I turn around and saw Cerberus snarling at us.

         Percy pick up a rock and wave it around the Cerberus didn't mind it us Percy throw it to the River Styx it snarled again at us Annabeth open the pack that Ares gave us and pull out a red ball she squeezed it and it squeak.

        That drew the attention of Cerberus Annabeth throw it to him and the three heads strated fighting for it we got to the fields as we neared the entrance to Hades throne room.

        We went in as Hades strolled to his throne I look around and saw Sally trap in a golden orb "I've been waiting for you" Hades informed as we got closer to him.

         "Where is it?" Percy asked Hades gave us annoyed look and pointed at the bag that Percy was carrying Percy cocked his head in confusion as he look at the pack and he pulled out a bolt.

        I stared in shock as Hades called his furies at us the others kept fighting on how the bolt get to their pack Percy gave the same pearls he gave to me at Annabeth and Grover "Ah, those pearls little tricks of my brother tell me Perseus who of your friends will you exchange for her?" Hades asked pointing at Sally.

           "Me!" I announced Percy was about to stop me but the fury lunged at him making him yo have no choice but to crash the pearl under his feet I rushed to Sally's side and crushed my pearl in front of her.

              The four of them submerged in big bubbles and they disappeared I sighed and sat o the ground Hades look at me and the furies "what you doing up there there still someone here" he announce the furies seem to hesitate before lunging at me I just stared at the three of them as they neared me.

          And without warning they're burst into glitter I just looked away and sighed as I stay seated at the ground Hades look to me and to where his furies burst to glitter with just me looking at them.

           "How you do that?" He asked, I shrugged and look at him "don't know" I answer he stood up and walk out of the throne room I just stay there sitting on the ground and playing with the rocks.

Broken Past// PJO/HOO: Book 1 Where stories live. Discover now