3. My teacher was a vulture

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( Kiara's Pov )

As I finished my food Nancy came closer to our direction and do the same thing she did in the bus to Grover again before I could even stop Percy stood up enrage and that's when our connection come up I felt enrage to.

And before we knew what were doing the water at the fountain seem to move in slow motion the water motion for me to push Nancy to it so, I did.

And the time sped up and Nancy's shrieks filled the front lawn of the museum "They push me!!" She shriek pointing her bony index finger at Percy and I we looked at each other confused and trying to understand what we've done.

But, before we can even registered what happen Mrs. Dodds stralled angrily over to us "Mr. And Ms. Jackson come with me" she said, even though her voice was calmed but I know that was the worse time to get caught when she's extremely calmed.

Nancy smirked as she get out of the fountain with the help of Mrs. Dodds when she was done with that he motion for us to follow her I thought we were gonna go to the gift shop so, we can buy Nancy new clothes that aren't soaked.

But she lead us to a secluded part of the museum then she turned around facing us "I know for the first time that you are trouble Perseus Jackson but there's something else about you Kiara Jackson" she said, Percy and I looked at each other confused but also terrified.

"We didn't mean it Ma'am I mean it just sort of happen" I said, pretending to be calmed she smiled at me that sickening sweet smile.

"Stop hiding I know you know what I'm talking about!" She shriek. Her shriek kinda remind me of the dinosaur that can fly.

"No, ma'am I mean when I take the exams papers because I didn't answer them correctly, I think" Percy admitted, and I shot him a look of disbelief and 'your busted' stern look.

"Don't play with me!!" She shriek, louder and without warning our teacher Mrs. Dodds transformed into a vulture like creature what was this thing called again.....Ah right a fury is this a illusion like my dreams or not Percy and I stared increduviously at the creature in front of us.

We were frozen at our position "Percy!!" Someone called behind us it was Mr. Brunner he throw a ballpoint pen at Percy and when Percy unclasped it turn into a bronze what a bronze celestial sword but...

The fury or Mrs. Dodds stralled closer to Percy and tried to clawed at him as Percy dodged her attacks before I realized what I was doing I mean unlike my brother I don't have a weapon, but as I fast as I move I tried to distract Mrs. Dodds from her attention at my brother and it worked kinda.

Now, I'm the one narrowly dodging her claws just I distract her Percy did the smartest thing that I was praying to my mind to happen Percy jump and stabbed the sword to Mrs. Dodds head and she burst into gold dust.

"Finally" I breathed as the time go back to it normal phased as I calmed down. Mr. Brunner stralled to us and grab the pen that I swear that it was a sword earlier and not only a normal sword it was a celestial bronze sword.

"What was that?!" Percy and I asked him but, he just glance at us confused.

"What was what?" Mr. Brunner asked confused.

He lead us back to the bus where Nancy smirked at us "I hope Mrs. Kerr give you the best punishment" she smirked.

"Who?" Percy and I asked, confused.

"Our teacher, duh" she said, seating back to her seat satisfied. Percy and I get to our seat I decided to seat beside him and Grover now just incase.

"I don't remember a Mrs. Kerr in all my years in Yancy" I said, I was older and longer at Yancy academy than my brother.

"What are saying Kiara, she was our pre-algebra teacher" Grover said, nervously.

I looked at him studying his nervousness then I felt a headache again I closed my eyes and the mountain that was always in my dream showed up but this time the man with black hair and dark evil eyes looked at me "oh, princess what have your father done" he whisper then I'm back to reality as Percy asked Grover about Mrs. Dodds and Mrs. Kerr.

Broken Past// PJO/HOO: Book 1 Where stories live. Discover now