Começar do início

You blush for what you had last night was a sorry excuse of a bath. You were not sorry though... but now?

"Fuck! Fuck! Fuck!" You curse to yourself. "Stupid Jasmine." You whisper to your reflection. Your skin is glistening. Perhaps with the expensive beauty products that you finally can afford. However, your mind is not in the mood in appreciating the clarity of seeing yourself. You are panicking. You feel like hyperventilating.

"Breath in... Breath out..." You command yourself as you close your eyes so tight. Nonetheless, you could only see memories and realizations of who and what they are. Your eyes snap open and you uncharacteristically swear yourself once again.

How didn't you connect everything? This is the second time that you feel a total dumb with them. The third? No... The fourth time?

'Fuck Jasmine!' Internally, you scream.

You are indeed stupid. You have heard their voices multiple times and you forgot it. Even though they were blur to you, you should have recognized them... even with their voices that had been a lullaby to your sleepless nights. You had idolized them before... in fact, you were crazily in love with them before. How could you forget about them?

You jump with a loud knock on the door.

Gulping, you open it bravely.

There, the mono-lidded eyes stare at you with the longing that you couldn't understand. His brows furrow with your lack of speech and with your slacked jaw.

"You forgot your towel?" He whispers with a baritone voice and gives it to you. "We will wait outside. We need to talk." He gently smiles.

You just nod and let him put the towel on your arms. You hear him hum and closes the door.

"He is so beautiful... Just like before, only he looks much more mature." You murmur to yourself.

You really take your time until you feel like it would be weird not to come out. At least, for now, they are only three of them outside. It will be easy, but your eyes widened with all the seven of them on the couch. Three are still in their pajama. Four are in a formal wear. They are somehow called to be in this "talk".

'Had it been hours since you took your bath?' You ask yourself.

"Good morning, Jasmine." Sir Joon's voice is a creamy dark chocolate that drizzles to your core. You whisk the dirty thoughts as you smile and pretends like nothing happens.

"Good morning." Nervously fiddling on your fingers, you smile sweetly to them. You feel all their gazes on you as you are standing in front of them. It's as if, you are in a singing audition and all of them are the judges, sitting so comfortably with eyes piercing through your soul.

"You can see us." Sir Jin voices. It is a statement. A truth that is not even surprising them. It's difficult to tell what they are thinking. Not with the seriousness on their eyes but with the smirk that means a gazillion more. There is a contradiction of something you don't know how to interpret.

"I-I do." You stammer.

Their gazes are making you small. They are just so intimidating, yet the look had given you chills down your spine. You have to castigate yourself from thinking all the dirty things that they had done to your body and avoid from blushing. The latter is an impossible thing.

"And?" Mr. Joon's question sends chills right your spine - familiar tingling of your skin.

Uttering what you want to say would finalize everything. But why would you deny yourself to mumble the letters that determines their identity?

"Jasmine... Are we upsetting you?" Mr. Kookie asks with his pout. There is a bit of unease as he nibbles on his lip ring.

"No!" You immediately retorts. "Of course, not... how can I?" You mumble.

Innocence in Lust ✔Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora