Chapter 36: His Absence

Start from the beginning

I would be in awe in any other situation.

She went on. "Technically, Cole was supposed to die back on the island. But some idiot went and injured Harumi..." The last part Ruby said mostly to herself.

"But you're taking all the elements―" I interrupted, deciding to keep the fact that I was the one who'd injured her to myself for now. Speaking of which... I hadn't had any of my outbreaks since the... thing. Would Harumi be suspicious if she noticed? Or would it be okay, since we didn't spend that much time together anyway?

"Were you even listening?"

I blinked.

Ruby rolled her eyes. "Anyway, as I was saying, after I'm done with them, they'll come back in one form or another. I don't really care, though. It doesn't matter."

"So you knew it would go to Lloyd? And you're going to spare him?"

"I knew it would go to somebody, not sure who. And I'm going to kill him after I drain him of the power, so not really."

My fists shook as I tried to squeeze the cloth even tighter, but it was impossible. I couldn't muster any more strength.

Then an idea struck me.

"Kill me next."

Ruby blinked. "What?"

"Let them think you killed me next." My voice was, surprisingly, much steadier this time, and I slowly regained the feeling in my limbs.

"Oh? Why do you want that? Are your acting skills failing you?" she asked calmly.

"As much as I want to go to Ninjago, I can't guarantee that I won't slip. Besides, I'd be able to do so much more if I didn't have to go to those daily lunch sessions. You could always get rid of Jay and Zane the following weeks," I said, crossing my fingers under my cloak. If my plan succeeded, Jay and Zane would be spared. "If you're planning on killing one person a week, that is."

"Hm, am I that predictable?" she fake-wondered, rubbing her chin and staring at the ceiling, "But you're right, I can't trust you around the others for too long. Heck, I'm not even sure you should go this week."

"Honestly, I probably shouldn't," I said, "If you want a pattern in that case, I guess you could kill Jay and Zane between the fourth and fifth weeks."

She stared at me blankly.

"Hey, it wasn't going to be in a pattern to begin with! You get four weekends and three people! Unless you were going to get rid of Nya..." I stopped mid-sentence. She probably was going to, whether I objected or not.

"Okay, how about this. I 'kill'" she made air quotes with her fingers, "you next week. Hold up your side of the bargain and don't slip. Things should be fine."

"Gotcha," I said, trying very hard to keep a lighthearted tone while simultaneously forcing Cole's face out of my mind. But no matter what I did, he continued to stare, more like glare, at me, his features as clear as day.

I must've been staring off into blank space, for the next thing Ruby said was, "I'm glad you've accepted our deal, Morro. I'm surprised, though, that you took it so well."

"Ha, really?" I looked up, forcing out a laugh, " Well, honestly, I guess I just kinda overreacted back there. Then I realized I didn't actually feel anything at all."

"Ooh, good to know," she said, clapping her hands together. "Dinner should be ready soon."

My scalp began itching and I gave it a violent scratch. "Wait, one more thing."

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