Natasha's Funeral Chapter 120

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Rory and Wanda are packing up there things from the Hotel

Tali is watching Pirates of the Caribbean while eating a bowl of cerel

Saber is on Tali's shoulder

Beda is laying at Tali's feet

Rory is about to put a shirt in the bag when

Mama. Mommy -Tali

Yes honey -Wanda

Where are we going -Tali

Ohio -Rory

Why -Tali

You remember how we said goodbye to Uncle Tony -Wanda

Tali nods

Well we're going to do the same with Aunt Tasha -Wanda

Oh... Mama -Tali

Yeah baby -Rory

Are you ok -Tali

Am really sad and hurt honey. But I'll be ok -Rory

How do you know -Tali

Because I have you and mommy. As long as I have you both I'll be ok -Rory

Tali puts her bowl down and she goes over to Rory and gives her a hug

Rory smiles a little and she picks her up

Wanda smiles on then notices Saber eating Tali's cerel

Saber! stop eating that -Wanda

No -Saber squawks back

Wanda groans a little

Tali giggles

Rory keeps her face emotionless knowing that she'll be in trouble if she did


In The Car

Rory is driving the car

Wanda was sat next to her

Tali was in the back playing on her phone

Beda was in the back next to Tali and Saber was in a cage

Why did you have to get her a bird that can talk -Wanda complains to Rory

She picked it... An well -Rory

What is it -Wanda

I struggle saying no to her -Rory admits

Wanda smirks a little

You can't say no to her -Wanda

I try to but... Well sometimes it's hard -Rory pouts

Don't worry am here to help you -Wanda teases

Mama. Mommy -Tali

Yes Tal -Rory

Is it just going to be us at Aunt Tasha's Funeral -Tali

No we're meeting Mama's family there -Wanda

Nana, Grandpa and Aunt Lena -Tali asks

Yes -Rory

Cool -Tali

Have you told her about them -Wanda

I did -Tali agrees

Mommy do you have a family -Tali

I do. But they had to go away when I was little -Wanda

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