Final Battle Part 2 Chapter 117

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A Giant-Man slugs a Leviathan in the Jaw

Drax launches himself onto a Cull currently choking the life out of Korg

Tony Blastes overhead Rescue joins him together they strafe the field

Steve and Thor fight together. Both hold out their hands

Stormbreaker returns to Steve

Mojlinir to Thor, who frowns a little then he takes Stormbreaker and gives Steve Mojlinir

No. You take the little one -Thor

Rory see's this and laughs a little before she dives into the fight


Fifteen Minutes

Rory dives out of the way of a blow and she cits a Chitauri in half then she hears Clint join the fight

What do you want to do with this thing? -Clint

Get those stones as far away as possible! -Steve

Don't we need them -Rory asks as she cuts off a Chitauri's hand then spins around it then puts her sword through its back killing it

Rory's right! -Smart Hulk

I feel all tingly all of a sudden -Rory says putting her foot on the Chitauri's back and kicks him off her sword

Not the time Rory... We need to send the stones back where they came from -Smart Hulk

Rory rolls her eyes a little

There's no way to send them back. Thanos destroyed out time machine -Tony

Hold on! That wasn't our time machine -Scott says then in the distance they all hear La Cucaracha

It clicks for Rory but she's not the only one

Does anyone see an Ugly, brown van out there? -Steve

Yeah. But you're not going to like where it's parked -Valkyrie says over te comms

Why can't anything ever go our way -Rory groans a little

Because life's a bitch -Tony


With The Van

Rory is looking around for Thanos

What are you doing -Clint

Someone needs to distract Thanos while you guys do this -Rory

Are you up for it -Steve

Do you even know me -Rory

She's got this -Tony says then Rory finds him

I found him. Am going in -Rory

Be careful -Steve

Always am -Rory

Lies -Clint

Rory smiles a little at this

Scott how long do you need to get that thing working? -Tony

Um, Maybe Ten minutes? -Scott

Get it started. We'll get the stones to you -Steve

We're on it Cap -Hope


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