The Red Room Part 2 Chapter 60

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Rory and Yelena share a look before

Yelena pulls out a grenade

Rory pulls out some of the Vials

The sisters then wraps the Vials around hte Grenade with one of Yelena's spare hair ties

What are you two doing -Wanda

Saving our sister -Rory

Yelena then Pull the pin in the Grenade and tosses the Grenade threw the window smashing it

The Widows and Natasha look up at the Grenade in time for it to blow up

The dust from the Vials lands on the Widows who all stumble and hold there heads in shock

Rory and Yelena then rush into the room and rush to Natasha

Are you ok -Rory

I'm ok. Sore but ok -Natasha says as her sisters help her to her feet

Wanda stands a little away from the sisters and can't help the smile that falls to her lips as the sisters share a hug

When they pull away Yelena spots the glass in Natasha's back

You want me to take that out? -Yelena

Natasha nodded

Okay I take it out on three -Yelena

One -Yelena

Two -Yelena says then rips it out

Natasha grunted

Sorry, sorry -Yelena

What do we do now -Widow says in Russian

Rory, Natasha, Yelena and Wanda look at them than each other

Get as far away from here as possible -Natasha

You get to make your own choices now -Rory

An explosion was heard and the room shakes

We gotta get out of here -Wanda

We need to find Dreykov -Rory

The sisters share a conflicted look

I'll go see if i can find Dreykov and stall him -Yelena says and rushes off

Rory there's something you need to know -Natasha

What is it -Rory

Antonia isn't dead -Natasha

What -Rory

She lived barely. Dreykov turned her into Taskmaster. She's under his control like the widows -Natasha

How can you be certain -Rory

I saw it with my own eyes little sister -Natasha

Shit -Rory mutters

Natasha grabs a vial off of the floor and gives it to Rory

They share a determined look

Your about to do something reckless aren't you -Wanda sighs

Please stay with Natasha help her with whatever she is silently hinting she needs to do -Rory

But -Wanda

They share a kiss

I'll be back. Please stay with Nat. I need to know that she is getting out I already have one sister running off doing something reckless I need to know that one of them is safe at least -Rory

Fine. But if you die I will bring you back and kill you myself -Wanda

I'll help -Natasha

Wouldn't expect anything less -Rory says then she rushes off to find Antonia

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