The Battle Of Wakanda Chapter 87

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Wakanda Forever! -T'Challa yells crossing his hands over his chest as his black panther helmet covers his face, leading the army as they run towards the Barrier

T'Challa and Steve are at the front lines. Rory is a little behind them

NOW! -T'Challa orders and the barrier then disappears

How much longer, Shuri -T'Challa asks over the comms

We've barely begun brother -Shuri

You might want to pick up the pace Shur. We're Engaging -Rory

Shuri curses a little

Mother wouldn't like very much to hear you talk like that -T'Challa smirks

Shut up -Shuri grumbles

Rory chuckles a little


A Little Later

These assholes just keep coming -Rory groans flying through the air and taking a Chitauri's head off

Rory then rolls to the floor bounces to her feet and meets a Chitauri head on

Spear meets Sword and both struggled for the upper hand

Don't even go there Roni -Natasha

I think she just did -Sam

You ok up there flappy bird -Rory

Bite me Romanoff! -Sam

Nah I wouldn't want to catch Psittacosis -Rory

Natasha laughs

What the hell is that -Sam

A disease that birds carry -Rory

How long have you been saving that one -Sam sighs as the others begin to laugh

Please it's not like that's the worst Bird Joke I have -Rory smirks

I hate you -Sam grumbles as the others laugh

Rory grunts a little as the Chitauri punches her in the gut trying to get the upper hand

You ok over there Roni -Natasha

Yep. Totally -Rory says kicking the Chitauri in the ankle causing him to hiss in pain

Rory then head buts him

The Chitauri falls onto his back

Rory then jumps on his sword in the air but before she can hit him The Chitauri kicks Rory square in the chest and Rory flies through the air and hits the ground hard

A groan leaves Rory's mouth as she leaves down the tree

You ok little sister -Natasha

Yep yes... Assholes -Rory says picking up her sword then meets The Chitaur head on again and the two again have a power struggle

Is it me or are these stronger than New York -Rory

I have to agree with her on this -Steve

That's a first -Natasha

A large beam of light then lands on the ground in the middle of the battlefield

lightening then sparks through the air

Thor appears with Rocket and Groot

Hah! Hah! Hah! you guys are so screwed now! -Bruce

BRING ME THANOS! -Thor rages and charges toward The Chitauri

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