Rory Telling Tali About Wanda Chapter 99

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Rory was sound asleep when all of a sudden she felt someone poke her in the eye

Rory rubs her now watering eye and she looks at her daughter with her clear eye

Why -Rory

Am hungry -Tali says cheekily

Why must you be a mini-me child or mine. Why couldn't you be like Wanda -Rory asks to no one really

Because life is mean -Tali

Rory chuckles a little

That it is... Come on then. Breakfast huh -Rory says getting up and picking up Tali who she then tosses into the air and then catches her

Tali squeals in delight



Rory and Tali are sat down at the table eating breakfast and they were talking

After a little while, Rory decided it was time for Rory to explain to Tali why they were there

So you remember yesterday when I told you that you were born here -Rory

Yes mama -Tali

Well, this Cabin/House was mine and Mommy's first home... As well as yours -Rory

Really -Tali

Yes. I know you have many questions about your mommy and am going to answer them here while we look around and I teach you some more about her as well as mine and mommies past -Rory

Tali nods with an excited smile on her face



After Breakfast Rory decided to show Tali the Garden

Over there we had a BBQ when you were a baby -Rory points

Really. Did I eat BBQ food then -Tali

No, you were to little then. You had milk -Rory

Can I now -Tali

You can and we can have a BBQ soon if you wanted -Rory

Yeah! Can Beda have some BBQ as well -Tali

Sure she can -Rory agrees

Yay -Tali claps her hands

Rory smiles at this then brings Tali over to a Garden which is very much dead

What is this -Tali

Rory bends down to Tali's eye level

This was your Mommies garden. She loved growing plants and such -Rory

Why do the plants look sick -Tali

Rory sighs a little guilt filling her

After I lost that fight and we lost Mommy I was very sad and I couldn't come here anymore so I moved us in with Aunt Tasha. I was struggling big time -Rory

Mommy wouldn't want you to be sad -Tali

I know but I struggled a lot... In fact, it hurt to much to be here but I can be here now -Rory

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