Telling People Chapter 65

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It's been a few days since the Engagement and they haven't told anyone yet so they decided it was time to tell people and for the team to meet Beda their little Demon dog who has caused quite a bit of trouble

They have enjoyed there Engagement and have been on a big high and have been all but joined at the hip

But they have decided it's time to tell people though have decided to call people instead of doing it face to face


That Morning

Rory is sitting on at a table staring at her phone and siping her coffee

Wanda finds her there

What are you doing -Wanda

Staring at my phone -Rory

Ok.I get that but... Why -Wanda

Am trying to work up the Nerv to call Nat -Rory

You want to tell her about the Engagement -Wanda realizes with a smile on her lips

Rory nods a little

Hey. She loves you and she loves us together -Wanda

I just need to grow a pair and call huh -Rory

I don't want to be mean... But yes -Wanda says kissing her cheek then goes into the other room

Rory then picks up her phone and she hits Natasha's number

The phone rings

With each ring, Rory feels her panic rising but she swallows it

Natasha then answers

Well, well look who decided to call -Natasha teases

Hey -Rory says her voice cracking a little

What's wrong -Natasha says realizing something is wrong right away

Nothing -Rory says cursing herself silently

Then why are you nervous -Natasha

Because I have some news and am not sure how you will take it -Rory

What kind of news -Natasha

The Marriage kind -Rory

What! -Natasha

The other day was mine and Wanda's anniversary and well... I proposed -Rory

Finally -Natasha

Well, I just... Wait what -Rory

I saw it coming and your my sister Roni -Natasha

Rory smiles a little at this

Plus Sam now owes me Fifty Bucks -Natasha

Why does he owe you, Fifty Bucks... Wait are you betting on my love life again! -Rory

Maybe -Natasha

I hate you -Rory groans

I love you to little sister... Now when's the wedding -Natasha

Rory rolls her eyes and chuckles

Haven't decided yet we wanted to tell people before we begin planning and such. With us being on the run it's gonna be tricky but we're work it out -Rory

Well I want an invite -Natasha

If I don't your just crash it anyways -Rory

True -Natasha

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