Wedding Talk and Beda Causing Mischief Chapter 66

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It's been a few weeks since the Engagement

Wanda and Rory have had to move again

Beda was more than a little bit of a demon dog she hated the moving around and such but both knew she'd get used to getting as time went on

Right now Rory and Wanda are watching some TV a Sitcom and drinking Coffee/Tea

When they hear a bang from the other room

They share a look then go to see what was going on

Both can't help but laugh as they find Beda who has a washing basket on her head and moving around trying to get it off

Beda -Wanda sighs amused

What are we going to do with you -Rory says as she goes over and moves it off of her

Beda barks a little then throw's herself into Rory's arms and licks her face repeatedly thanking

Both laugh a little at this

--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------The Kitchen A Little Later

Rory was sat a little away from Wanda who refused to let Rory help

Wanda was making the two of them lunch

Rory takes some of her coffee

Careful with that. Your only have so much more of that. You've drunk a lot of Coffee today -Wanda

Yes dear -Rory

Wanda raises an eyebrow at her

So have you thought any about the wedding -Rory

I have actually -Wanda

I have to -Rory

The two share a smile

Am really looking forward to all of it. Getting married. Being your wife and starting this next stage of our lives -Rory

I feel like there's a but coming here -Wanda

Am dreading my Dad and Steve being in the same room -Rory

Oh my god I didn't even consider that -Wanda

I realized that the other day but I didn't want to bring your mood down -Rory

Hey it wouldn't have -Wanda

Rory raises an eyebrow

It wouldn't have... But have you worked out a way to try and keep the peace -Wanda

I have thought about it and I think am going to ask Mama, Nat and Lena to take turns with keeping an eye on him -Rory

Yeah I think that will most likely be the best -Wanda

I can't think of anything else to do -Rory bites her lip

Me neither but we can think on it we still have time Detka -Wanda

The phone then rings

I'll get it -Rory says getting up and going to the phone

Rory then goes over to the Phone and she picks it up

Hello Witchie Residence -Rory

Wanda throws a piece of ham at Rory which bounces off the side of her face then hits the floor which Beda eats quickly

Really -Rory

Yes -Wanda

Hello. Rory -Voice

Vision -Rory says shocked

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