TimeOut Chapter 28

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they all turn and find a robot there

Rory has Ember at the ready

Stark -Steve


I'm sorry, I was asleep or... I was a dream -JARVIS

Reboot legionnaire OS. We got a buggy suit -Tony ordered JARVIS

There was a terrible noise... It was tangled in... in strings, I had to kill the other guy. he was a good guy -Robot

Rory hopes that Wanda can't feel her emotions too strongly yet as she was panicking on the inside as well as a mix of angry and confused

you killed someone? -Steve

did you have to upset the old man -Rory

my apologies -Robort

oh can it -Rory

snickers come from Clint, Thor, and Tony

Maria had an amused look on her face

Natasha rolls her eyes

Steve sighs

Bruce chuckles a little

wouldn't have been my first call. but down in the real world, we're faced with ugly choices -Robot

who sent you -Thor

a voice recording of Tony speaking

I see a suit of armour around the world -Tony recording

they turn to Tony who's face drops

Ultron -Bruce

in the flesh or no not yet. not this... chrysalis but I'm ready. I'm on a mission -Ultron

what mission? -Natasha

Peace in our Time -Ultron

as if on cue a horde of Robots from the Iron legion came crashing through the walls and begin trying to strike down The Avengers

Rory lit up Ember and met them head-on and shielded the others as they ducked for cover and got ready for the fight she however was nearly always ready for a fight

out of the corner of her eye, she saw one of the bots go for Steve and she jumped in slicing it in half in one swing and Steve sends her a nod of thanks

Rory slashes in the air causing a line of fire to be shot threw the air and it takes out a number of Bots

Rory then turns in time to see a few Bots coming for her

so Rory then did a handstand avoiding a blow and took off ahead of one of the Bots and turned in time to meet a blow however she couldn't avoid the next blow that hit her in the ribs and sent her flying Rory ended up being thrown through a glass table which hurt like bitch

Steve took out the last bot in the room with his Shield

Rory stumbled to her feet holding her ribs

That was dramatic! I'm sorry, I know you mean well you just didn't think it through. you want to protect the world but you don't want to change. how is humanity saved if it's not allowed to Evolve? -Ultron pauses to pick up a broken bot

with these... these puppets -Ultron said breaking the bots head and throwing it away in disgust

There's only one path to peace... The Avengers extinction -Ultron gets out before Thor throw's his hammer at him

before Ultron faded however

I had strings but now I'm free there are no strings on me. no strings on me -Ultron

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