Final Battle Part 1 Chapter 116

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Rory wakes to Tony standing over her

Come on waky waky no time for a nap -Tony

That fucking sucked -Rory mutters sitting up

Tony nods in agreement

Where are the others -Rory

I have no fucking clue -Tony admits

Isn't that Cap's Shield -Rory

Tony follows her gaze and see's it sitting there then he goes over and grabs it

Then the two look around for Steve

Hey is that a hand -Rory says noding to a hand sticking out of part of the broken ceiling

Tony blasts the ceiling a little

Rory summons Ember and begins to cut and dice the ceiling

The two moving the ceiling and under it all they find Steve

Rory shakes Steve

Come on Steve. No time for an old man nap -Rory

Tony chokes out a laugh

Steve grumbles a little as he wakes up and finds Tony and Rory standing over him

Tony holding his Shield which Tony gives to Steve

You lose this again, I'm keeping it -Tony

What happened? -Steve

Told you. We messed with time -Tony

And time messed back -Rory

Agreed -Tony

Steve follows Tony and Rory through the ruins of the lab

Where are the others? -Steve

I read life signs, maybe 800 feet down, but it's hard to tell -Tony

Rory, Tony and Steve reach the edge of the crater where Thor looks down at... Thanos. Sitting on a rock waiting

What's he been doing -Tony

Absolutely nothing -Thor

The Four of them stare a long moment. Then, as if sensing them, Thanos turns his head and looks their way

Son of a bitch -Steve

Yeah -Tony

Where are the stones? -Steve

Somewhere under all of this, All i know is. He doesn't have Em -Tony

So we keep it that way -Steve

This is out chance -Rory

You know it's a trap -Thor

Don't think i care -Tony

Just so we're all in agreement -Thor says holding his hand out and Mjolnir flies into it

Thor then holds his other hand out and Stormbreaker laps into his palm


Lightning strikes as he's covered in cap and armor

Let's kill him properly this time -Thor

Agreed. This son of a bitch isn't walking away from this again... Wanda is alive and out there now I can feel it -Rory

Through your bond -Tony guesses

Yeah. Through our bond. This is the chance that my family can be together. Can be whole -Rory

Steve tightens his Shield

They all then jump down into the Crater where Thanos is


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