Tony's Funeral and The Stones Returned Chapter 119

Start from the beginning

Pepper's grip on Rory's tightens a little

Rory rubs some circles onto the back of Pepper's hand trying to comfort her

What am I even tripping for? Everything is going to work out exactly the way it's supposed to -Tony says walking over to is helment then he pauses when he gets there and looks out at the people there his gaze stops on Morgan

I love you 3000 -Tony says then he switches off the camera

Tears were streaming down Morgan's face

Pepper kisses Morgan's head

Am here Mor -Tali says softly

Both Wanda and Rory were proud of there daughter for trying to comfort her friend



Everyone watches on in groups as Pepper rests Tony's act reactor onto the flowers and pushes out onto the water with the words

Proof That Tony Stark Has A Heart

Morgan and Happy are stood together

Steve, Sam, and Rhodey are stood together

Clint, Laura, Lila, Cooper, Nate, Rory, Wanda, and Tali

Thor and Smart Hulk

Scott, Hope, Hank Pym and Janet Van Dyne

Peter and May Parker

T'Challa, Okoye and Shuri

Dr. Strange and Wong

Quill, Nebula, Groot, Mantis and Rocket

Bucky standing alone

Secretaty Roos and Haryley Kenner

Maria Hill, Carol Danvers and Nick Fury

The Mourners move to the edge of the lake


A Little Later

Clint is looking out at the lake stood alone when Wanda, Tali and Rory approaches him

Tali is on Wanda's hip

I just wish there were some way I could let her know that we won -Clint

She knows. They both do -Wanda

They then stare out at the water


The Next Day

Rory sneaks into where the others are keeping the stones and she opens the case that is holding the stone

She then pulls out her soulstone and switches it with the soul stone that is holding her sister's soul which she then slips into her pocket

Then Rory shuts the case and leaves the room she refused to let Natasha go just like that. She was her sister. If there was even the slight chance she could bring her back then she would do it she just needed to find a way to get her out of the stone first


The Ruins Of The Compond

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