1. Beatrice - Then

Começar do início

"Righto, right. Here is your class schedule" he hands me a sheet of paper and I scan across it, noting the classes pretty much matched what I did in my previous school.

He held out another sheet, "This is a map of the school and the location of your locker and the combination" I nod as I take it.

"You mother has requested a place on the minibus from this afternoon and that is all set up for you, each afternoon you have the choice of two buses depending if you are staying for any clubs, they go from the front car park, and in the morning you just need to be at the pick up point for 7.15, the bus will not wait so please don't be late" he pauses, his eyes scanning the paperwork again.

"Yes, I think that's covered it all, but don't forget, my door is always open, unless its closed, ha ha..." he laughs at his own words "now lets get you to class"

"Yes sir" I mumble, getting up and following him as he weaves through the building, pointing out key locations on the way, theatre, offices, nurse, gym and then the classrooms.

He knocks briefly before flinging the door open and I groan internally, my gut telling me this wasn't going to go well.

"Mr Havers, can I borrow Stephanie King for a moment please" I watch as the class watches a blond girl stand and walk towards the door, most of my frame hidden from view until she stepped outside the classroom.

"Sir, you called for me" she twittered at him and I fought the urge to roll my eyes at her tone.

"Ahh Stephanie, last week I asked if you could help with a new student" her gaze slid to me before returning to him as she nods "This is Beatrice, she is starting today and I know you will look after her and see her settled in"

"Of course Dr Lane, you can rely on me" she smiles at him and I feel the prickles on panic along my spine again, he had saddled me with a mean girl, he may be fooled by her faux smiles but I'm not"

"Wonderful, now Beatrice, good luck and enjoy your first day" he tells me before walking away leaving me face to face with Stephanie.

Her gaze scans over me and I can tell she thinks I'm lacking as her nose curls up "Did he give you a map?" she asks taking a step back from me.


"Then use it, I have better things to do with my time that show you round" she spins away then stops "However, I need the extra credit being a buddy gives, so you make sure Dr Lane thinks I am here for you" she glares and I nod silently.

Biting my lip to stop myself smiling that I got away from her that easily, I follow her into the classroom and towards the teacher "Mr Havers, this is Beatrice, she started today" she tells him, back with the fake smile.

"Ah thank you Stephanie, welcome Beatrice, take a seat with Stephanie and just follow what you can today and we can go over the course at the end of class" he tells me and I look around the room, most tables already hold 4 people but a few have two's and threes and one table is empty.

"Sir, I am already in a group with Annika, Jan and Patty, I don't think its fair on the girls to include another at this stage" I watch her bat her eyes at him and see his discomfort.

"Its fine sir, I don't mind going elsewhere" I see the relief cross his face at my words and he scans the room before pointing to the empty table.

"Sit there today and we can see where you fit in best later" he tell me with a smile before looking back at a surprisingly annoyed Stephanie "Take your seat Miss King and we can continue"

I move to the table and sit, my gaze scanning the class, Stephanie is sat glaring at me as another girl whispers in her ear. I roll my eyes, mean girls, I guess every school must have them but why did I have to deal with one on my first day.

The Masters Brothers - Driven (Completed)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora