Chapter 29 : Fragmentation

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The newly united couple were twirling on the dancefloor, in a carefully choreographed unison. After a bevy of romantic songs, the Celeskian tales cranked up the beat and opted for some more scandalous but amusing wedding songs, giving Matteo a chance to show off his singing skills and allowing more of the congregation to join in. Lucern took a break, along with Charamayn and in the afterglow of their set, had a few drinks. Lucern began to feel like his old self again, noticing the trembling in his hands cease. Jara noticed as well, and gave him a perceptive glance before returning to the people in the middle. As the next song completed, Tenata resumed her spot in front of the dance floor. She gestured to the band, and they allowed the music to softly fade into the distance. All eyes were upon her, as they greeted her with some further applause.

"This has been a wondrous occasion, and with the renewal of love between these two, we see a renewal to our people and our way of life..."

At that point, she saw the brief flash of movement in the background. Above them was the open attic of the hall where the builders had placed spare supplies, an assortment of timber stacked under the roof. From these rafters came a quick flurry of arrows that rained down upon the wedding guests. The first struck Tanata in her neck, sending her sprawling to the ground. Another killed the groom instantly as other onlookers either ducked for cover or swarmed over Tenata and the bride. Garwyn reached for her staff and sent a shockwave up into the air, repelling the attackers back against the wall and providing a shield over the group now protecting the fallen. Matteo and Halthar responded in kind, firing off a barrage of bolts and arrows at the attackers before rushing towards their victims. At least one of their arrows struck a target as they heard a brief shriek as their attackers slid down the outside of the hall. Lucern was frozen to the spot; the duality between painful memory and horrifying reality was transfixed within his gaze and his hands broke the suspension of movement with their obligatory trembling. Jara left his side to rush towards Tenata, shock soon gave way to remorse, as she saw a woman she loved gasping for air.

Lucern eventually snapped into action and ran to his equipment- looking for his crossbow and followed Matteo and Halthar out the door towards their attackers. The pursuit soon broke up as the raiding party set off on horseback. Lucern spied a limping attacker too slow and clumsy to successfully mount his beast. After the second attempt Lucern had a bolt lodged and his eyes tracked towards his centre and he let fly. The bolt found its mark easily and struck the assailant square in the back. The attacker spun, and they could see the tip of the bolt piercing out the other side. For the briefest moments, his fragmented self was hastily together before splintering off again. Halthar tried to reassure him, but he would not listen. He had shut out the world yet again.

Their hastily assembled team set off after the riders while Halthar and Lucern knelt by the assassin. "You are a dead man. I would not be expecting any mercy."

"No mercy for the people of the Nesar, for they never gave any in return," the assassin said.

"What does that mean?"

"We never forget."

Lucern knelt down further, pressing a knee on the man's chest.

"What don't you forget?"

The man gasped out his last breath and his eyes rolled up into his head.

It's no use.

"I know my friend. Maybe some one in town knows what all this madness means."

The guards tried to chase the raiders down, but they had faster animals and had a much longer lead. By the time they coursed through creeks and woodlands, they had vanished.

The Guardians of CeleskOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora