Chapter 34

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Wilhemina has been avoiding everyone like the plague since her cane was broken. She hasnt gone to see me or even send someone to fetch me in days. I know her personal space is important to her, but I'm worried.

She hasn't been going to dinner, and I've tried taking her food to her, but the gray stops me and says they've been given explicit orders to not give it to me. I leave notes, knock on her door every morning and every night, I even go to the library to see if she's there, with no luck. I can't even catch a glimpse of her.

I stare at her empty chair at meal time, and zone out think about when I'll see her again. At this rate though it won't be for a while. I want to change that though, because I am her lover after all. She should be able to find comfort in me right? She should be able to tell me her problems and she should want to ask for my help.

All the purples exit the room, and I wait for the gray to carry Minas food to deliver it to her. As they're walking I trail behind them a couple steps, though it's obvious I'm following them.

Once we get to her door the gray knocks and makes a swift entrance and exit in and out of Wilhemina's office. The door clicks closed and I stand there for a bit, making up my mind whether or not I should knock too. Before I can though the door creaks open, just a bit.

I clutch the handle and slowly push the door open, knocking while doing so. "Mina? Can I come in?" I ask on the threshold.

I don't see her right away, she blends right into the purple walls of the room. Her body shivers and my eyes catch the movement, it wracks with silent sobs and twitching from the cold air. She doesn't have the fireplace lit, so the room is practically a freezer.

Slowly, I tiptoe over to her and put my hand on her shoulder. She looks up at me, eyes puffy and snot running down her nose, and starts to cry more. She collapses onto me, and I hold her as she trembles. Reassurances aren't enough for her in this state, so i just hold her close.

"Why don't we go to the bed?" I ask after the crying has died down.

She doesn't answer, probably because she has a sore throat from crying into me. She nods her head and she holds onto me, as we both stumble over to her bedroom but she moves past it to the bathroom.

She breaks away from me, clutching the wall for support as she makes her way to the tub. Gently, I move her back to sit on the closed toilet. "Let me, lovely."

"I don't need your help." She spits.

"I know, but I want to help." I smile.

She goes radio silent for the rest of the night, letting me bathe her and get her ready for bed. I kiss her head gently as I hold her tight.

A/N: Sorry this chapter is so short, ive just been in a slump recently. Blame it on the mercury retrograde...

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