"Yeah." He hollered sleepily.

The sound of the door creeping open raised my pulse. I could feel Stiles twitching above me.

"You're not even out of bed yet? You are going to be late for school! Get up!" He yelled tossing a pillow that had fallen to the ground last night at his head. I cringed biting my tongue as Stiles's nose whacked against mine.

"Okay." He muttered, his nose scrunched from the pain.

"I'm serious Stiles. I'll be back up here in ten minutes and if you are not ready I'm getting the water!" He threatened.

"Alright." He groaned wanting his dad to leave.

The sheriff's footsteps neared the bed, picking up something at the foot of it. "Where did this blanket come from?"

Stiles and I froze staring wide eyed at each other as I remember bringing my blanket into his room last night.

Stiles was quick on his feet though. "I don't know." He groaned.

Mr. Stilinski nodded dropping the fabric and walking back to the door. "I'm serious Stiles, ten minutes."

With that he stepped out the door shutting it. Stiles quickly rolled off of me my hand going to my nose. "Ow." I mumbled rubbing it.

Stiles glanced over at me, bending down to kiss it. He leaned back. "That was a close one."

"Indeed it was."

We sat there in silence for a few seconds before I sat up. "I better go get ready for school."

Stiles nodded agreeing.

I lightly slapped my hand onto his inner thigh, that had Stiles choking on air. Swinging my leg over to the side of the bed I straddled him, leaning forward to peck his lips.

"See you at school big boy." I seductively whispered against his soft pink lips, patting his chest, and abruptly standing up, climbing back through the window.

I quickly tossed my blankets back on top of my bed, running to the closet to get clothes. I slipped on the black skinny jeans, adding onto it a blue button down shirt, black leather jacket, and oatmeal colored infinity scarf.

After making sure my outfit was presentable I grabbed all my stuff heading down the stairs. A note was left on the table from dad telling me he wouldn't be able to make my game tonight but that he loved me and I'd do my best anyway.

Popping toast into the toaster I ran to the hall closet grabbing out my black heeled ankle booties, zipping them up.

Breakfast popped up and I was on the go, out the door and to school.

First hour went by so slow, but finally it ended and I was headed to the locker room to put my bag up since I had forgot to this morning. Walking around the boys' I shoved the blue nike duffle bag in and strutted back to the door just in time to see Jackson harassing my Danny.

I came up just in time to catch the end of the conversation. "FYI, I'm everyone's type." He gloated; I rolled my eyes.

"Not mine Jackass." I rammed my arm into his 'hurt' shoulder passing him on the way to the door and into the crowded hallways.

My next class was a study period, so I was going to head to the library but turning the corner I ran smack dab into a body.

'Watch where you're going buddy." I snarled before looking into the gorgeous but frantic eyes of my...soon to be boyfriend? I don't know what to really call him, we haven't really discussed and he hasn't taken me on a proper date yet..so.

Discovering Catwoman ▷ Stiles Stilinski [Book 2]Where stories live. Discover now