Part 15 - Mr.Parker Is A Liar.

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"I don't know if Mr. Parker is or isn't a liar, but it's my job to investigate the claims. If they prove to be false, then you and Kimberly have nothing to worry about..."

"Look Daniel, I'm not worried. I'm angry and I'm annoyed that my own bestfriend would do something like this to me, but I'm definitely not worried because I know that my daughter isn't going anywhere!"

"And how can you be sure of that?"

"Because me and Kimberly haven't done anything other than provide the best life possible for Abigail and Scarlett. If you want to think otherwise, then that's your problem..." Nathan stated sarcastically.

Don't get me wrong, Daniel was a good guy and he was only doing his job. But I found it hard to contain my laughter at Nathan's replies. Just because he was right about everything and there was nothing else that he could really say.

All he was doing was fighting for what was right.

And making Daniel see that Tom was just some jealous liar who only thought about himself and no one else.

I just had to hope that it was enough.

"It's not that I think otherwise since I've seen Abigail and Scarlett on several different occassions over the last couple of months and they seem perfectly looked after to me, but it is my job and I have no other choice. The court case is next Tuesday..."

"Next Tuesday?" I asked, just to make sure that I had heard him right when he said when it was going to happen.

"Yes, is that a problem?"

"Well, I did have something planned but this is more important so I'll be there..."

"You sure?" Daniel asked as he raised an eyebrow at me. It was almost as though he was looking for me to do something wrong so he would have a reason to award the case to Tom since, so far at least, everything had been perfect and there had been no compliants.

"I can always rearrange what I had planned!"

"Well, I guess I'll see you next Tuesday then..."

"I thought you needed to talk to Jay as well?" Nathan asked him as he began putting his notes away.

"I do really, but I need to go since I have another appointment which I have to be at now. I'll have to find time to talk to Jay before next week, so I'll be in contact about that..."

"Thanks for stopping by, it was nice meeting you Daniel!" Nathan said and I couldn't help but think he was being overly sarcastic about that though. I had a feeling that Nathan didn't particularly like Daniel that much and was looking forward to being able to prove him wrong next week.

"And it was wonderful meeting you as well Nathan. You're daughter is one extremely lucky girl..."

"I know she is. You don't need to tell me that, and she'll do great in life because she is our daughter and Tom is never going to get his hands on her. Now please leave my house!" Nathan said.

I stood up from his lap so that he could open the front door for Daniel. I just sat on the chair and laughed under my breath as I noticed the looks that Nathan and Daniel gave each other. They really didn't like each other and I found it rather amusing.

But at least we wouldn't have to see him until next week now. Which means that is one less problem to deal with for now.

"I'm so glad that he has gone!" Nathan sighed.

"He's not that bad you know..." I replied.

"I'm sure he isn't. But he just makes it sound like Tom has already won, when he hasn't. Tom isn't even close to winning..."

Abigail Ella Sykes [Final Part of You Hate Nathan Sykes]Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum