Chapter 1

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Hahahahaha! If this is a nightmare, please wake me up. I cannot handle this any longer. My business is bankrupt, and my fiance is cheating on me. Heh. What makes matters worse is that the one who is cheating with her is someone I thought was my brother in all but blood.

I drink vodka and wince a little as I can feel the burn down my throat.

I hate it. I hate her. I hate him. I hate them. Lastly, I hate myself.

I hate myself for not seeing the obvious. I hate myself for forgiving her. I hate myself for trusting them easily. I hate myself for what I have become.

I hope I can do something to start a new life. I will do anything to start a new life. A new life where I can live in peace. That is all I want.

"Then what about making a contract with me?"

I take out the kitchen knife and turn around to see a man wearing an expensive suit. He is a middle-aged man, around thirty-two years old. He has silver pupil-less eyes and silver hair. He is not very tall but not short either, average.

 He is not very tall but not short either, average

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"Who are you?!"

"Me? My name is really hard to pronounce with the human tongue. However, you can call me... Lius."

"What do you want?!"

The man chuckled for a second before saying.

"Why, for you, of course. You said that you are willing to do anything for a new life, right?"


"Well, let's just say that I'm a higher being than you, humans."


"I will not call myself a God, but we are the same in power at least. Anyway! I hear you want to start a new life?"

I look at him for a few seconds before putting away the knife. I release a sigh and decide to humour this weirdo.

"Yes. A life where I can live in peace. I have become tired of living in the city. I want to start a new life, a simple life."

"Hmmm, I cannot give you a peaceful life. However, I can give you a life filled with adventure."

"Adventure, huh? Sure, That sounds good. Anything is better than what I have right now."

"Lovely! If you sign in here, I will give you a second chance."

I look at the paper for a few seconds before saying.

"What's the catch?"

"Nothing too heavy. I have a problem, and I need someone to help me fix it."

"And you can't fix it yourself?"

"Ah, that is the problem. My kind cannot interfere with one planet. It will take me ten thousand years to manifest myself in this body."

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