Part 41

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~Provisional License Exam Time!!~

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~Provisional License Exam Time!!~


Provisional License Exam Time!!

Second Round of Exam:

"Wow, not too bad!!" I said, smiling, as I felt pretty proud of myself after one of my attacks.

I had just used one of my new weapons to help me to take down some of Gang Orca's henchman.

It was a katana that could basically store and use any of my elemental powers with. For example, I could just swing my katana and like a strong wave of water could fly out. The possibilities were pretty much endless! It did take some concentration though, so I could figure out what I wanted to do with it.

(A/N)- You can imagine how it looks like :D

Back to reality now, I had finished off most of the henchmen and headed over towards Todoroki, Yoarashi, and Gang Orca.

'Todoroki and Yoarashi won't be able to hold on much longer. I have to help them.'

I was right. Their fire tornado combination wore off, leaving them vulnerable.

I sneaked up and activated One For All, getting good momentum to punch him decently hard. I saw Izuku also sneaking up about to kick.

"Get away from them!!" We both yelled in sync and used our attacks.

Gang Orca was able to block Izuku's kick but not my punch. He got pushed back a bit but stood his ground. I was about to get another attack ready but I was interrupted by the buzzer.

The buzzer had rung, symbolizing that the exam was over.

"Umm, yeah, so, at this time, all the HUC members who were deployed have been rescued from the disaster zone.

It may seem anticlimactic, but with this, the provisional license exam has finally come to an end and has officially been completed.

After we tally the scores, we'll announce the results here in the arena.

Anyone injured should go to the infirmary. The rest of you are free to change your clothes and wait wherever you'd like." Mera announced.

I smiled.

'I'm glad the test is finally over.'

I started to head over to help Todoroki but saw Izuku already going. So I walked over to help Yoarashi.

"Hey. You alright, Yoarashi?" I said, offering my hand.

"Yeah, still a bit paralyzed though." Yoarashi answered, taking my hand.

I helped pull him up and we started to walk to the infirmary. We got there in no time.

"Thanks for helping me!!" He yelled, bowing to me crazily.

❤️My Manly Rock Shark❤️ (eijirou kirishima x fem. reader)Where stories live. Discover now