Part 10

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(A/N)- Hi!! The video above is a song I used in this chapter! Good song btw! Also, sorry about the title! I honestly had no idea what to name it!

(A/N)- Hi!! The video above is a song I used in this chapter! Good song btw! Also, sorry about the title! I honestly had no idea what to name it!

Ups! Gambar ini tidak mengikuti Pedoman Konten kami. Untuk melanjutkan publikasi, hapuslah gambar ini atau unggah gambar lain.

~Annoying Purple Dude~


Almost Two Weeks Later

A Day Before the UA Sports Festival

At Home

The Morning:

I woke up at 6:25am because Katsuki and I decided to do some extra training before we get to school.

About the last two weeks, I've been training every day in order to be ready for the festival.

I also woke up because I was super excited, it would be my first time ever participating and I was going to give it my best shot.

I quickly got ready and put on some of my training clothes.

It was now 6:35am. I walked over to the kitchen and drank some milk (or water) to hydrate me and ate a protein bar to just fill me up since I wasn't that hungry.

I walked back upstairs to Katsuki's room and knocked on the door.

There was no answer so I unlocked the door and walked inside.

Katsuki was still asleep.

I got an idea and smirked. I walked back over to the front near his door frame, stopped, and started to charge at his bed. I jumped on top of him.

"Katsuki!! Wake up! We gotta train!" I said loudly, but not too loud to wake my parents up.

Katsuki only groaned and turned to the other side of the bed.

"Come on, Katsu!! Hurry up!! Wake up Blasty or I'm gonna train without you. I'm giving you 5 seconds." I said, still shaking him. "5..."

"Ughhh..." was all he said.

"4...3...2...1" I said pretty quickly. "Okay bye Katsuki!!" I said as I got off him and walked over to his door to exit.

"Okay! Okay! I'm up, Idiot!" Katsuki said annoyedly, right before I walked out of his door.

"Alright! I'll meet you outside!" I said not turning back and going out the door.

I checked the time and it was 6:40am. I walked outside to the backyard.

It was actually nice and sunny. Birds were chirping, but it was peaceful. There was a refreshing, slight breeze. Everything was just perfect.

I knew Katsuki would probably take around 15 minutes just to get ready and get something in his stomach, so I decided to stretch.

After I stretched, which took about 10 minutes, I had a song stuck in my head. Sunday Morning by Maroon 5. I decided to just start singing it because I was already in a happy mood. Katsuki won't be out anytime soon, right?

❤️My Manly Rock Shark❤️ (eijirou kirishima x fem. reader)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang