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"I DON'T UNDERSTAND," Pho says, eyebrow raised. "You just stumbled across him?"

"He showed up, and said he's in the Bind." I nod at Niko, who's sitting on a couch, fiddling with the chess board. "He is, right?"

We're all sitting around a table, because for some reason they're suspicious of Niko.

"Yeah, he is." Arlo glances over at him, frowning. "But he just showed up?"

"Why are you guys acing like I don't know what I'm talking about?" I scowl, crossing my arms. "I don't see the problem."

"No problem." Pho shrugs. "There's just a lot of us now."

"Yeah, and?"

"Why're you so defensive, hm?" Archie lifts an eyebrow at me. "Did you do something wrong?"

I scoff. "Seriously? I don't understand what's happening right now. Are you guys jealous?"

They all immediately deny it. My eyes skip over them, counting silently. Dei's not here, and I haven't seen him since last night.

"Where's Dei? Aren't we supposed to leave soon?"

"He said he's taking a break from us." Pho mutters. "He'll be back before we leave."

"Great." I drag my hand down my face. "Are you guys seriously mad about this?"

"We're not mad." Their voice clash, but it sounds too rushed.

"Sure." My gaze travels to Niko. "Be nice to him, okay?"

They all mutter their agreements, and disperse. I watch Alastor and Chase link fingers, heading towards the garden, and Felix pull Pho towards the pool. Auggie and Caste are talking, Archie following behind them, smiling fondly. They three of them walk towards Niko, and Caste challenges him to a game of chess.

Arlo hangs back. "Are you okay?"

"Yeah? Of course I am."

"Okay..." He looks skeptical. "If you say so."

"I'm fine." I insist.

I watch as he walks away. I don't know how to feel about all this. I'm kind of waiting for the realization to kick in, that I'm not going back home, and that all of this is my life now.

And that it's kind of all his fault.


By the end of the week everyone seems tense, and in a bad mood. Caste's taken to Niko, and the two of them spend an interesting amount of time together. Niko seems fascinated with Caste's life on the pirate ship, and can listen to him talk about it hours.

Dei's showed up, but distances from everybody, glaring a lot at Pho. Chase has told us all to be ready to leave this morning, so we get to this entrance that's supposed to open tonight on time.

I've realized how much stuff I've been unintentionally collecting. I've been borrowing clothes, and accidentally keeping them. I have a shirt from Edward, clothes from when I was in High Rank with Dei and Pho, several clothes from Hiro, including that lingerie I forgot about. There's a pair of pajamas I got from Blaise and didn't give back, and a bunch of random clothes I got from the pirate ship, extras that the creatures didn't need. There's a couple things from Auggie, too, too fancy to actually wear anywhere.

I've been wearing the necklace that Felix gave me, though I still don't know what it does. Maybe nothing. I can't find the knife Chase gave me, and assume Arlo probably has it. 

I gather the rest of my things, and leave the room, finding Pho and Felix in the hallway, Pho's head dipped to reach Felix's mouth, Felix's hands sliding up underneath his shirt. When they pull apart, Pho presses a kiss to Felix's forehead, and their fingers link together, fitting against the others perfectly.

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