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THE NEXT MORNING, Hiro tells me I don't need to do anything. The third day, he says, is for recovery, which I don't need.

"Was this whole thing honestly necessary?" I demand. I'm in nothing but a robe, and I glare at him from across the bed. "You didn't need us."

"I'm trying to help you, don't you see? You all now have some very powerful allies."

"What are you talking about?"

"Carlos, remember him? He's the leader of a mafia in Lycan. And Cath, the one your little pet entertained, runs a black market in Croman. Ryan's a High Rank. The wizards run an illegal potion distribution--"

"They sell drugs?"

"Not technically. Love potions, the one I gave you, and other illegal ones. They aren't drugs, but they have certain effects. Anyway. They all respect the Dragon Bind, so if you need help, and they happen to be in the area..."

"I'm not thanking you for that."

He waves me off. "I don't expect you to. You did me a favor, so I'll heal your demon."

"Can you send me back before the others? Just by twenty minutes at least."

"Sure." He says. He lifts his hands, but I stop him.

"Can't I have some other clothes?" He gave me the outfit I wore the first day in a bag.

He grins. "Nope. Bye, now."

He flicks a hand, and I fall back. I hover in midair for only a second, then I stumble back, right into someone's lap.

"About time." I hear Pho say, scoffing.

I look up, and find I'm halfway in Dei's lap. He grins at me as I slide off. "What on earth are you wearing?"

"Shut up. Listen. The others will be back soon. As much as they know, I've been here all three days."

"And what's to make us lie for you?" Pho says, eyebrows raised.

"I'll..." I scowl up at them. I toss the bag into Dei's lap, tugging the robe over my crotch. "I'll wear this for you some other time."

"Deal." Dei says immediately when he sees what's inside.

I roll my eyes, pushing myself up. "What have you guys been doing?"

"Waiting." Dei says, flopping back on the couch, "We knew you weren't in serious trouble."

A phone rings, and Pho picks it up. After a moment, he glances at me. "Arlo is okay."

"Perfect. I'll be right back."

I change quickly, and hide the clothes deep in my bag. By the time I get downstairs, Alastor and Felix are in the living room.

"We're sorry." Felix says, cheeks flushed, eyes cast down. "We had to go to help Arlo."

"Are you mad?" Alastor asks quietly.

Dei lifts an eyebrow behind their backs at me, and I give him a look.

"Are you okay? Did you get hurt?" I...don't like lying to them. But there's no way I can admit being there. That's embarrassing beyond belief, and I...I can't.

"No. We...We're fine."

"Okay. Then it's okay."


"Arlo." I say in relief when I see him. Chase showed up at the house with him, but he's been sleeping for the past two hours. "Are you okay?"

"I'm fine. But, um...I have to tell you something."

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