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HERE IS WHAT LOOK LIKE A PARKING LOT FOR A SCHOOL FIELD TRIP. here are cars packed every where, covering the grass. It's a nice day, the sun high in sky. It almost looks like I'm back in the human world.

Chase says we're officially in the Land or Dragons, but still a while away from the castle. Before we can go there, Chase tells me we need to get to a cave--The Dragon's Tomb, and it's what all the cars are here for.

I leave the car, following Pho out to get some fresh air, but as soon as my feet hit the ground, I feel...something. It's strong, like something's wrapped around me, and is forcing me forward.

Someone had my arm in this grip before I realize I've started walking. Something's calling to me, and I can feel it, burning itself into my mind, and I have to get to it. It's calling me--it needs me, and I need it.

"It's okay." Pho murmurs to me, pulling me towards him, wings covering me. His voice distracts me, calming my racing heart, and my eyebrows furrow, gazing in the direction of the trees.

"I feel it." I murmur, but I don't try to move out of his grip. "I can feel it—like it's calling me to it. What is it?"

"Your amulet. We have to stay hidden."

It feels like it's pulling me harder, desperate, trying to get me to follow, but I let Pho guide me back towards the car.

"Hey. Look at me." I force myself to focus on his face, and he smiles . "Good?"

"I'm fine. Sorry."

"We'll stay in the car till we have the plan figured out, okay?" He says, and I nod as I get back in he car.

"You can't do that when we're out there." Chase says from where he sits as I get back in. I sit between Dei and Felix, not trusting myself by the door. "They'll be watching, to see who feels it. You have to be careful."

"Right. Sorry. I wasn't...expecting that."

"We're going to get it to you, don't worry." Dei smirks at me. "We all know you can't wait to be collared."

"Collared?" My eyes narrow. "Excuse me?"

Felix frowns. "The amulet. It's embedded in a collar." He taps necklace I'm wearing. "This is just a chipped piece, but the whole thing is made of it. We'll see what it looks like when it's put on you."

"What? A collar? Are you serious?"

"You didn't know?" Arlo says, eyes widening, suddenly looking nervous. "Someone had to have told you."

I drag a hand down my face. This is getting better and better. "We did all this so I could get a collar on me? Really?"

"It might not be a collar exactly. It'll change as you need it. When it's first put on, it will be, but it'll probably look something like those thorn ones you use on us." Chase touches his neck lightly, and I frown.

"But it's a collar." While I have no problem with collars on others, a collar on me is so...degrading.

And yet, I seem to desperately want it.

"And we'll get pictures, don't worry~" Dei grins when I glare at him. I turn to Chase, leaning forward.

"So what's the plan? How're we going to do this?"

"We have to split up." Chase says. He points as he speaks, "Arlo's with you, Felix, Auggie, Alastor, Caste, Niko, and everyone in the other car will pretend to be apart of them over there, along with the others, and the rest of us will get into the cave."

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