Chapter 22

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"You're not gonna lose me Bee... i would never let myself die." I murmured still my head on my top on my hands..

The tight seatbelt felt like Bee tried to hug me and my eyes was getting more watery.

"Bee i hope you know that i don't wanna lose you too. i don't know what i would too if i lose you" I whispered to him and then tears started to drop on my thighs.. I wanted to cry silently and i was trying to put myself together when Shane pushed Tessa inside the car.

"DAD!" Tessa yelled and then Shane got inside the car and closed the door and Bee started to drive away

"No! We can't leave him!" Tessa started

"Y/n! You're not gonna do or say anything?!"Tessa said and tried to pull me to look at her in the eyes but i didn't say anything and i looked outside the window.. I was angry but still i was so sad but i understand Bee, fully. I wanted to go save Cade but i wanted to go with Bee.

"Y/n!! Answer me!" Tessa yelled and i clenched my hands on to fist..

Tessa tapped my shoulder

"You think i haven't tried?! You think i wanted Cade to go there? Huh?! I tried, ok and i still want to go save him! But this car here is making it impossible to me.." i yelled back to her.

"Sorry Bee " I said. Cade is important to me because he is my bestfriend but Bee is so important too.

"But we need to try again!" Tessa said

I was quiet but then i grabbed the steering wheel

"Bee! Stop the car!" I raised my voice

"If we're not gonna go with Cade then... then i'm gonna leave all this behind and forget everything!" I tried my best to say anything that Bee could turn back

"Bee stop!" Tessa also tried to yell at Bee

"Bee goddammit!" I yelled and Bee pressed the brakes

"You two- better- listen." Bee said

"No Bee! Don't start. You listen!" I said to him

"I'm not leaving my dad." Tessa said from the back seat

"Bee please..." I said to him still holding the steering wheel.

Shane turned to look at me surprised. There was silence between all of us and we were stopped in the middle of the road. Minute later Bee did U-Turn and started to drive back.. Bee didn't say anything but just drove faster

A wide smile turned on my face and again i leaned on the steering wheel.

"I knew i could trust you Bee.." i whispered to him

"Next time- you- better listen to-me" Bee whirred

"Yeah yeah " I said and tapped on the steering wheel..

It was silence and nobody said anything. I could only hear Tessa's heavy breathing and i sinked more into my seat holding tight on the edges of the seat and Tessa was almost coming to the front seat and she was staring intensively from the front window.

"Tessa could you please sit down?! I don't like it when you're breathing in to my ear all the time.." I said to her and pinched my nose bridge

Tessa hissed in irritated and went to sit back down.. Bee started to drive faster and i could see the buildings and how one of it was on fire even that we were still far away.

"Oh shit! Bee hurry up!" I said and i straightened my back and i was ready to leave outside..

Lockdown stabbed Optimus and Cade was there all alone. Only the sand and little stones were flying and floating in the air. We finally arrived and Bee stopped there and we all came out from his altmode.

I immediately started running towards Optimus and i made eye contact with Cade.

I arrived to Optimus and i started to climb up and tried to pull the sword out of his chest. Bee drove in front of us and transformered and attacked to Lockdown

"I gave you an order!" Optimus grunted

"Oh shut up!" I said to him and still tried to pull the sword. I felt how swet drops started dropping on my hands from my forehead..

I looked Optimus and then Bee and so on because i wanted to make sure both of them are okay.

"Go Bee!" I yelled to him while trying to help Optimus.

"Y/n! Get out of here!" Optimus raised his voice

"No!! I'm not gonna leave you guys!" I said

Optimus tried to fight his way out but nothing. Bee and Cade were all alone fighting with Lockdown. Cade was shooting and Bee was like a fucking ninja...

Lockdown flew throught something and started shooting again towards Bee and Cade..

"Get out of here, now!" Cade yelled and looked Tessa and Shane who were climbing up in tow truck.

"Tessa! Hurry! Bring it here now!" I yelled to them.

"Optimus please wait!" I begged him.

Tessa and Shane went inside the tow truck and Cade was approaching towards Lockdown.

"Cade, get out of here! This is my fight!" Optimus yelled and was trying to get up and then i finally looked at Cade and i saw how he tried to fight Lockdown

"Cade! Don't!" I yelled to him

"He is so stupid!" I yelped and tried to pull the sword while looking Bee and Cade.

Bee attacked him but Lockdown grabbed him from his leg and threw him on the ground

"Bumblebee!!" I yelled and tried to run towards him but Optimus stopped me.

"Don't!" Optimus said to me.

"It's my fight, and you're all gonna die!" Lockdown said and shooted towards Cade but he dodged it.

Tessa and Shane finally got the tow truck moving and first they wanted to tackle Lockdown and Cade tried to shoot Lockdown with his little Alien gun.

"Yeah! Killer robot, my ass!" I heard how Shane yelled and drove the tow truck around Lockdown tackling him down.

Lockdown just groaned and now tried to kill Cade.

"SHANE!" I yelled to him and Shane started to back the tow truck towards us.

Shane and Tessa finally got next to us and i jumped down.

"What took you so long!?" I asked and then i grabbed the big hook from the ground and tried to pull it with me towards Optimus..

"Get away, all of you!" Optimus yelled and i was climbing up to back of one truck

"Wait!" I yelled to Optimus

I was top of the truck and i looked at Cade and Lockdown and then i jumped towards Optimus and placed the hook on the sword and then i fell down.

Optimus tried to punch the sword out of him.

"Drive! Now!" I yelled to Shane and he pressed the gas all the way down and started to drive.

I stood up fast and i tried to look Bee.

"You see my face, your life us done!" Lockdown said to Cade

I stopped and i saw how Optimus stood up and ran over me and stabbed Lockdown through his back and sliced him in the half and pushed Lockdown away.

Cade was looking at Optimus and Optimus looked at Cade.

"Yeah!!" Shane yelled from somewhere and i started to look for Bee but i didn't see him anywhere close.

"Honor to the end." Optimus said

Words: 1171

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