Chapter 2

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"A truck?! Dad, please tell me you didn't spend our money on this!" Tessa looked annoyed..

"Oh no, don't worry, he didn't. He spent our money" Lucas pointed himself and then me but if we're all honest i didn't care that much because it was kinda my idea to buy the truck.

I punched him on the the side..

"What?! That's true. A hundred and fifty bucks of it." Lucas answered.

"As an advance on your regular paycheck." Cade said

"What regular paycheck?" Lucas asked.

"Which you will get back." Cade defenced.

"Hey i paid the bigger amout of it so Lucas stop whining and don't be such a wuss all the time." I said looking at him.

"Yeah yeah... When i'm getting it back?" Lucas asked from Cade and ignored me like i wasn't even there.

"Never. We're broke." Tessa said.

"I knew it." Lucas said looking at Cade.

"No you didn't..." I murmured.

"Sweetheart, could you pleade not drive a wedge between employer and employees." Cade said looking at Tessa and then pointed me and Lucas.

"Hold on?" I asked suddenly.

"Yeah hold on. I thought we were partners." Lucas said.

"I thought that too.." I said crossing my arms over my chest and then looked at Lucas.

"Ok listen, i came up short. I had to buy her a prom dress. You want me to deny her a prom dress" Cade explaned and looked at all the three of us who were standing next to each other.

I looked between Lucas, Tessa and Cade.

"You might as well.. You denied her a prom date" Lucas stated

"You did? Seriously?" I asked firstly looking at Cade and then at Tessa and she just nodded to me.

"Idiot.." I whispered and hoped that he didn't hear it.

"No, i offered to take her and chaperone" Cade pointed himself

I started to cross my arms over my chest again...

"Nobody want's to go to the dance with their dad" Lucas said

"He's right about that one..." I commented

"Thanks y/n" Cade said

I smiled to him and the arguing continued and i was getting tired of it.

"It's not the issue." Cade said.

"Well, maybe it should be." Tessa said and she was sad.

"Hey okay everybody needs to calm down.." I said

"Could you guys just get off my case? You know what the engine on this runs for? I can break it down and strip it for parts." Cade pointed the truck.

"No you can't... I found it.." I said pointing at Cade.

"Sweethear your shorts are shrinking by the seconds, ok?"
"Cold water, air dry, please" Cade said to Tessa

I looked at Tessa's shorts and i also thought that they may be little too short and i noticed how Lucas looked at Tessa's shorts.

Tessa was mad and left

"I think she looks hot" Lucas said like nothing wrong

"HEY?!" I slapped him on the forehead

Cade was speechless

"What did you say?" Cade asked.

"You seriously are idiot!" I said and hit his arm.

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