Chapter 15

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"Wait.. Did you hear it?" I started to run and try to find where it came from.

It took a while but finally we saw the others

"Guys!" I said

"Go! We got this!!" Hound ordered

"Are you sure?" I still asked

"GO! We have no time!" Hound said.

"Okay! Get him back!" I yelled to them and then turned to look Bee.

"Bee let's go" I said and started to find way to get out.

"If this ship is so freaking huge... Why i can't find a single exit.

"Here.." Bee pointed up and i looked the exist and then Bee.

"Of course." I said.

I started to run up there and Bee was coming behind me making sure nobody suspicious was following or that i didn't fall again this time..

I saw light and then wires.. The wires were the anchors of the ship

"Ok. Lets go! " I said to myself and i was already about to go walk on the wires

"Y/N!!" It was Cade and Shane and they find Tessa

"Its the only way out of this ship!" I said pointing the wires

"I'm not doing this!!" Tessa said

"C'mon Tessa we don't have other choices except if you wanna stay in this place!" I said

"I'm not doing that!" Tessa said again.

"Yes, we are" Cade said

"I'm not gonna wait.." I went past Cade and i was walking on the wires while trying keep my balance.

"No, it's good. It's stable. Come on." Cade said to her and offered his hand.

"No way" Tessa said

"Sweetie, you know why i'm here? I'm here to protect you." Cade said looking her.

"You've done great at that" Tessa spitted

" I want you to trust me right now. We're getting down! Let's go." Cade said

"Don't look down!" I yelled at them from little further.

Cade, Shane and Tessa was almost next to me.

"Careful, these cables are starting to get thinner here!" Shane said whie looking down

"Shane that's not helping at all!" I yelled to him

Tessa was freaking out and was about to stop.

"Alright sweetie you need to keep moving. Okay" Cade said to Tessa

"Oh my god" Tessa freaked down.

" You need to move now!" Cade raised his voice.

"NO!I'm not moving! I'm going back to the ship!" She yelled to Cade and went sit on the wires

They started to arguing because Tessa here wanted to go back to the ship and Cade didn't like the idea. I mean who liked the idea?

"Romeo! Talk to her now!" Cade said to Shane

"Um guys!" I yelled because i saw Lockdown's dogs coming towards us.

"C'mon Tessa please" Shane tried to help her

"Stop! Don't try me right now!" She yelled

"GUYS!! Look there" I pointed the Lockdown's dogs

"You better hurry." Shane said to Tessa

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