Chapter 16

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We were on our way to the ship which landed on some fields. We all jumped out and then went to see the others.

"Great traces" I nodded to Hound who flew the ship

"I know" He smiled proudly

"Let's give Bumblebee the good news" Crosshairs stood up

"We got a ship now. We're leaving" He continued

"Wait what?!" I yelled

"You're not.. stop fucking playing around" I pointed Crosshairs

"You humans. After all we have done. You don't know what you've wrought upon yourselves. " Optimus pointed all of us.

"What are you talking about?!" I raised my voice.

"Yeah? i'm doing stuff out of my league here!" Cade said

"You don't see who's controlling who. Within that man-made prototype i fought, i sensed the presence of Megatron" Optimus answered

"You don't understand!" I said

"Wait the Decepticon what started the Chicago war?" Cade asked

"Yeah that one" I kicked rocks on the ground and looked at my legs.

"How do you think KSI built those bots in the first place, hm?" Brains asked

I thought a while and then it clicked to me

"No.. " I whispered

"Thats right.. They had whole mess of dead Decepticon heads and they were downloading their minds! And i was in charge of autopy duty. No union, no benefits, no nothing. They hook me up with Megatron, and that mind wasn't as dead as they thought. He fed them the science and specs! All so they could build him a brand-new body. Then he infected it with his evil, nasty chromosomes. They had red, beady eyes. They got all in my lovely locks. Oh, i can smell it right now. Total inside custom job! " Brains said

"Those crazy bastards" I said

"That's right missy... KSI might have named the body the snappy name of Galvatron, but that's just Megatron reincarnated!" Brains continued

"You knew this and you didn't warn them?" Tessa asked and i turned to look at her.

"Little girl, you can go to a pretty dark place when you on death row." Brains answered to Tessa

"All of this for what?" I asked

" He's been playing KSI all this time, all so that he could manipulate them into going after the seed. " Brains said

"The what?" I at looked everyone

"In the ship there was the soldiers that were chasing us and they took something called the Seed." Tessa said

"And you're saying that now?" I asked looking at her like fr.

"They turned your organic life into our elemental metals. Our creators destroyed your world to make us" Optimus said

"That's what Galvatron wants to happen again. He wants to detonate that Seed in the biggest city and kill millions! He's gonna show the world, Baby, i'm back." Brains continued

"That's why we need you." I said to Optimus

"The blast wave will incinerate the city into molten metal. He'll have enough to build a massive army and annihilate your species forever.

"You dumb, greedy bastards just brought extinction to yourself. Not my problem though. I'm free at last. Whole thing worked out good for me. I'm walking" Brains scoffed and said while walking around.

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