Chapter 9

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Cade went to sit inside Drift's altmode and put the film rolling what he find.

"This is a drone that i stole and it recorded footage of an Autobot raid. It's on pieces, but watch what happens here." Cade said

"Look what happening here." I pointed to the film

"That's Leadfoot..." Hound said with sadness in his voice.

"They just.. ripped him apart!" I clenched your fists and looked down trying to hide my anger and i stood up and started to walk towards Drift and Cade.

"Savages" Hound continued.

"And later, this truck comes to haul him off. KSI. Kinetic Solutions. Defense, aerospace, government contracts. They designed this drone." Cade continued.

"So these government guys just hunt you down, and then pass you off to this KSI?" Shane asked from the Autobots but they didn't answer.

"The Company where i stole this drone its in headquartered in Chicago. That could be where they were Taken" Cade said

I saw Optimus staring to somewhere

"No way to get inside without a battle.." Hound said

"Then we are gonna fight.. right?" I asked and mostly looked at Bee

"Damn-Right we-are" Bee whirred

"What if you had some human help?" Cade asked

"What, are you all partners now?" Tessa asked

"Tessa.. we all are targets now, too.. " I said to her with arms crossed over my chest again.

"Autobots.. i've sworn to never kill humans but when i find out who's behind this. He's going to die" Optimus said

"HOOAA" hound yelled

"Hell yeah he is.." I thought while looking Optimus.

The night was long and every minute felt like hour. I was still awake and i was laying on Bumblebee's hood looking the stars and talking with him.

"Bee? Do you think we can find who did this?" I asked

"I really-hope we-doo" he answered

There was long silence.

"What do you think is up there?" I pointed to the stars

"Another universe"

I rolled on my stomach

"Wait really??!" I asked

"Yeah" He whirred

"I would like to see it someday" I said and jumped off back to the ground

I opened the drivers door and went to sat on the seat

"Is it okay if i sleep here?" I asked from Bee.

"Sure you can" he whirred to me.

My eyelids were heavier and heavier and i also felt the seat to start to warm up.. I smiled.

It was the best feeling for long time.

"Thanks Bee" I said before falling asleep


It was early morning and i suddenly flinched and woke up.. Bee started the engine and started to drive .

"Whats happening?" I asked

"Were going to the city" He said to me.

I saw others driving next to us and the sun was almost fully rised up and the view was amazing!

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