Chapter 4

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I looked at Cade and Optimus. I smiled and started to work some things.. I focused the head and the wires and how i'm gonna put it back

"You took hell of a hit, ya know? The missile just missed your power source." Cade started and walked over to me and handed the head piece to me and i climped up to the ladders.

"We call it spark" Optimus continued

"Spark?" I asked

"Yes. It contains our life force and our memories" Optimus said

"We call it a soul" I said back to him and smiled while trying to put pieces and wires back together.

Optimus tried to dig some bullet of his front plate until he turned to look at me. I looked at his optics and there was something.. something beautiful.

"Why are you willing to help me?" Optimus asked

"Me? I've heard about you and maybe if you trust me. And i'm not alone we have Cade so thank him too" I smiled

Cade gave the blowtorch to me and i tried to apply some heat.

"Okay don't move." I said to Optimus.

After long time.

"I'M BACK!" Lucas yelled

"How long did he take?" I asked from Cade

Cade shrugged his shoulders.

"Well someone here got hit so i went to see doctor. I look like a freaking Star Trek character." Lucas said

"Okay, Is it good?" I asked from Optimus.

"Thank you y/n. " Optimus thanked me and i cleaned my hands and smiled to him.

After that me, Cade, Optimus and Lucas heard some noices outside.

"Cade what is it?" I asked

"Trouble" Cade said and he left to look what was going on?

I stayed and tried to finish the last piece of Optimus' head's side plate.

I heard helicopters and cars and some talking from outside and i knew that it was bad.. Really bad.

"Y/n you better go outside" Optimus whispered to me

"Shh!" I shushed to Optimus. I tried to listen the people outside and realised they're looking for Optimus.

"HIDE!! Hurry!" I panicked.

Optimus tried to hide while i stared the barn doors and hoped that they would leave the barn alone which obviously was stupid to even think.

"Open, Open, Open!"
"Short wall, short wall!" I heard and suddenly some gun men barged inside.

"RAISE YOUR HANDS!" They yelled to me.

I did what they told me to because i didn't want to get bullet in my head. Not yet

One man grabbed my arms and twisted them behind my back.

"OW! You bitch!" I yelled and before i was dragged out i looked back and Optimus wasn't there and i hope that he was hiding in good place.

"Agent Savoy! We found her inside the barn!" Other man yelled and the whole yard was full of black suited men.

"So is this some old ladies meeting. What did i miss?" I asked with sarcasm and i always wondered when my sarcasm will take my life.

"And who we have here? Mrs?" Savoy asked

"Its Miss for you..." I said confidently because i will always remember the one thing my dad taught to me and it was never show if your scared or unsure. Be confident!

Then the man behind me decided to twist my arm little more.

"Could you stop!" I yelled to him and tried to kick the man.

"AY! Don't touch her!" Cade yelled to Savoy

After few minutes the men started to gather to the front yard like they was going to end their searching.

"No sign. Nothing" One man said to Savoy until when some shit head ruined everything.

"Sir, we have a live armed missile in the trash." He reported

"Great.." I murmured.

"Live? I carried that to the trash! You told me that was a dud, dude!" Lucas tried to save the situation.

I turned my head and looked Lucas.

"You're dead" I mouthed to him and he just looked away.

"Look. Okay, yes, i found a truck, all right. I towed it back for the parts and i left it here last night but this morning, it's gone! When? Where? I don't know! I swear to god!" Cade tried to explaine and i just nodded like Savoy could see me but he was more interested about Cade.

"Listen man! I swear to god! That's all i know about him!" Cade raised his voice

I noticed what Cade just said and soon as he ended his sentence i looked at him...

"Shit, shit, shit!" I thought.

"Mr. Yeager" Savoy continued

"What?" Cade asked.

"Excuse me. You just said, him"

My inner self started to panic.

"Listen Savoy! Cade doesn't know anything! He doesn't know anything i swear!!" I yelled to him

Savoy looked at me for a while

"Take them down" he ordered his men

"What?" Cade asked.

The men started to drag us down to lay on the ground.

"Ow! Let me go!" Tessa yelled.

The man was almost literally sitting on me and i'm just saying that he was heavy...

I tried to look around the yard and it was getting intense. After that i looked at the barn but at this moment it was fine.

Words 815

Age of Extinction || Bumblebee x readerحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن