Chapter 17

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Cade, Shane and Tessa was walking behind me to the Spaceship.

"Move! We're retrieving the Seed, but then we're done defending the humans." Optimus said

"I hope you will change your thoughts because believe me or not but we will always need you" I whispered to Optimus

"What, done? What do you mean, you're done?" Cade asked

"Means "finished", "see ya, "good bye." Crosshairs said and i hurried to the ship because the police was getting closer.

After that Hound started to fly away and i wanted to be in China as soon as possible..

I tried to find comfortable position and rest for the short way to China.

"When you said you were done fighting for humans, you didn't mean that, did you?" Cade asked from Optimus

I turned my gaze to see Optimus and Bee was sitting next to me.

"How many more of my kind must be sacrificed to tone for your mistakes?" Optimus asked back from Cade

"None! Nobody deserves it" I said from the back

"Well, what do you think being human means?" That's what we do" Cade answered

"We make mistakes and sometimes out of those mistakes come the most amazing things." Cade continued

Optimus looked at us

"When we fixed you, it was for a reward. That was it. For money" Cade said looking at me

"Hey.. Don't look at me. I never thought about rewards" I raised my hands in the air

"Okay.. it was me making a mistake. Without it, you wouldn't be here." Cade said

"So even if you got no faith in us, i'm asking you to do what i do. I'm asking you to look at all the junk and see the treasure." Cade continued

"You gotta have faith, Prime, faith. In who we can be." I said looking at him and then i turned my eyes to Bee. Optimus' optics were scanning at me and Cade and i heard Bee whirred happily to me.

Optimus didn't say anything but the ship was almost in China so i went to look out from the windows.

" So do we need to find Joshua or the Seed?" I asked

"Both, if it's possible." Cade answered back at me.

After long trip and the night we arrived in China.

We were flying over China and suddenly i saw few similar Prototypes as the one Joshua created.

"Um we may be have a little problem.." I started.

"What do you mean by a problem?" Shane asked from me and i saw everyone looking at me.

"Well i'm pretty sure you all remember the Prototypes... Well the thing is that i just saw those Prototypes.." I ended

"What?!" Cade asked.

"We need to hurry." Optimus said.

i was still looking out of the windows. After while i saw someone sitting on the bench on the roof.

"Um guys?! I think that's him!" I yelled and pointed outside

"Drift! Fly closer!" Optimus ordered and so Drift tried to fly closer but then Joshua tried to run away...

"He is running" I said looking at Joshua and crossing my arms over my chest.

"Let's go!" Cade said and Hound started to open the doors

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