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It's early evening when I discharge us. I've never felt so relieved, to be home with a breathing Phoenix. I turn up the heating whilst Phoenix turns the lights on.

"Hungry?" I ask.

"No. If anything, I feel sick. I'll have to put a bin beside the bed; I've never felt so shaky and nauseous in my life."

"That'll be the drug you were injected with."

She looks at me; I wonder do I scare her, now she's seen what I'm capable of.

"Jesus Henry; I'm so sorry for dragging you down with me."

"Do you love me Phoenix?"

"Your brain is obviously addled. If I didn't love you, I wouldn't care about dragging you down; I'd just use you for sex."

She sways into the kitchen, to the fridge, to the chocolates.

"We need a sugar rush." She grabs the box. "Come on, bed Mr S.A.S."

She takes my hand, pulling me up the stairs; slow and unsteadily.

"Would you prefer to sleep in your bed – alone?" she asks painfully like the words tear at her throat.

"No. Come to bed and hold me. I'm tired, in considerable pain and I need you."

It's the first time I've trusted someone to be vulnerable with.


"I have to shower Henry. I've got...Jacobs on me."

I tuck Henry in.

Downstairs I shower, washing my hair until the water no longer runs red.

Upstairs Henry remains awake. I pull on a soft nightshirt, blow dry my hair a little then clamber into my hero's bed.

"Do you believe in fate Henry?"

"I'm not sure."

"Imagine Trish lived, I went to uni, and had a simple love affair. After a while we'd move on from each other. I'd meet lovers at work or in bars; maybe they'd muck me about, and it would be painful. Maybe, I marry easy-going jobsworth Darren. Could I be happy? Or would I never be happy or satisfied because none of them were you. Or would I be happy because I didn't know better?"

"Do you wish we'd never met?" he asks.

"Absolutely not." A short silence falls. "Were we destined to meet? Would our names be the same? Is that what sparks off conversation; we're both Whittles?"


"We can only base decisions on what's real. We met. We fell in love. There was no choice, our emotions decided for us."

"I'm sorry. Ignore me. I don't know what my point is," she admits.

"You're in pain, tired and overwhelmed."

She nods, but a dilemma edges around us.

"What else...I feel there's more?"

"Luke might know. I foolishly shared info, when he was deep in a coma, only for him to awaken around that key time.

"Luke loves you. He'd never jeopardise that. Give your heart and that brain of yours a rest," I say pulling her in tightly. I savour the feel of her in my arms, watching the sun cast shadows across the room. Eventually, worn out, we succumb to darkness.


I wake up; my face flat against Henry's back, my saliva on his skin like I want maximum transference. My arm is around his slender waist and like jigsaw pieces we are slotted together in the foetal position.

The Rebirth of Henry WhittleWhere stories live. Discover now