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It's not like I'm a bumlick, but it's nearly Christmas holidays and Mr Jacobs has been totally cool coaching me after school. He's so easy to be with. I thought I'd feel awkward, but my crush has become admiration. Yeah, he's cute, but he's like the loveliest big brother. Easy going, bantering and he knows masses about love and literature. So, walking by the English department, I pop a thank you card and a 'best teacher' mug on his desk.

My attention is caught. Priti's name, highlighted in yellow, on a semi scrunched up paper in his bin. Glancing around, I guiltily retrieve it, shoving it in my pocket. It's probably nothing, but I'm suspicious.

I don't un-scrunch till I'm in the Taekwondo carpark. The sheet's headed 'School Clubs Pupil List'. Under Thursday – Mandarin, Priti's name is highlighted. Below the timetable is a handwritten note.

'Hi Adam, list as requested, regards Sonia, School Office, 1/9/19'. The date is weeks before he'd asked Priti and I about tutoring.

"He knew all along Priti was busy on Thursday. Arhhhhhhh."

I angrily fling the car door open, so he's forced to jump back.

"Bloody hell, Rob, why are you creeping up to my car?"

"Don't get hysterical. I tapped on your window, is all."

"But why? What are you doing hanging around me?"

"Typical female over reaction."


"There's no typical female; we're individuals."

I storm off – typical reaction of a person who's pissed.

In the dojo, people are taking off footwear, chatting about their week. I'm so caught up in Mr Jacobs, I don't notice people pairing off...till I look up.

Rob winks. I scowl.

Maybe Mr Jacobs forgot Priti was busy.

Rob is looking at my chest...Count to ten, Phoenix.

But why did he ask the office for the list?

"Calmed down, have you darlin?"

Does he dislike Priti? No, he's lovely to everyone. Isn't he?

"What you doing after? Maybe a few shots'd relax you?"

Does he only want to tutor me? But why?

"Ketchup time of the month is it?"

Next minute, Rob's falling to the floor holding his jaw.

"Phoenix!" booms Sensei.

"Sorry Sensei, I thought we'd started."

Giggles echo around the hall as Rob struggles to rise. He's angry and I've seen that type of anger before.

"Sorry everyone." I slip shoes on my feet. "Feelin' sick."

"Sick of Rob," someone whispers, but not low enough.

Between Mr Jacobs and Rob, I do actually feel sick.

Driving up to the house I see Henry's BMW absent. My mood dips. I'm out the car when a vehicle pulls up at speed. I hesitate. That was a mistake. I coulda locked myself in my car, instead of running to a front door I have no key for.

"You bitch."

I'm dragged off the porch.

Dropping my bag, I struggle to escape his hold. My heart isn't racing. I'm not panicked because it's just Rob. But as his grip tightens, I twist wildly, my Gee loosening. The belt drops, I free myself and Rob's left holding the jacket.

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