Revelations For Her and I

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Everyone is focused on what is happening between Cassie, her uncle, Tony and his father, but my eyes have not left the man that stands beside Bernard glaring at me. The one whose blood runs through my veins. I know he is waiting for me to mess up. Lifting his brow his head turns a little so he can look directly at Liz standing beside me. I have been trying to make it seem like she doesn't mean that much to me. She's not important to me in any way, but I know I am going to slip up and fail that endeavor soon.

My nostrils flare with the smell emanating from her pores. Her fear is palpable, even my father can smell it from where he stands about ten feet away. As Tony and Bernard throw insults at one another, my father sniffs the air with his eyes closed. He moves his head in a circle, enjoying the one smell that means the most to him in this moment. When he opens his eyes once more and looks at me, I know he can sense it. He knows what she is to me because knowing she is afraid has made me afraid for her.

The evil bastard tilts his head to the side, eyeing me with a knowing look. He's daring me to keep this façade up. He knows I'm standing on a fence, one gust of wind in the direction will cause me to fall and give him exactly what he wants to see. He craves to know the weakness that is inside of me. She is that weakness.

Fuck it! The evil bastard knows. I must be here for her. I wrap my arm around her shoulders and bring her body into my side. She looks up at me with tears building within her eyes. Taking a closer look, I can see both fear and worry written all over her face.

Turning my body to face her I bring her into me more. Placing my chin on top of her head I allow her to cry against my shirt. Soaking it with her silent tears that fall. Closing my eyes, I breath her in, the scent of her hair calming my ever fast beating heart. "I have a bad feeling about this. Something isn't right." She whispers against my chest. If I'm being honest with myself, I understand what she means. We weren't supposed to come here, to Cassie's Uncle's manor.

We were supposed to come into the Dark Forrest in the Fae Realm. These evil bastards intercepted us somehow. Meaning they knew we were coming. Only one thing can explain any of this. They are up to something. What I do not know but wish I did.

Tuning into the conversation going on for the first time I catch Tony shouting at his father, calling him a jackass. With his father pulling his head back laughing vigorously. "You all think you know what we have planned here. What we genuinely want?" Bernard suddenly stops his laughter as he places his hand on his stomach and looks out into the crowd. Looking each one of us in the eyes. "You truly have no idea what we are capable of." A devilish smirk flutters across his lips just as we hear a crash from behind us.

Liz tries to pull away from me to see what is going on now, but I refuse to let her. I hold her with my hand on the back of her head, so she remains close to my chest. I watch as what looks to be hundreds of people joining us from a portal that was created in the back wall.

I can see many different creatures coming through. Ranging from Fae, witches, werewolves, and vampires. Some I recognize and know what their talents are, others are unfamiliar faces and judging by the red, black, and yellow of their eyes. They are all prepared for a fight.

Within seconds they are surrounding us, and my eyes search for my brother's. When I reach Martin's eyes all I can see is pure rage as his eyes have turned completely black. His hand is around Cassie's wrist drawing her further away from her uncle and closer to our followers.

Tony is hunched over, snapping his neck from side to side, readying himself for the fight of his life. As his eyes cut to his father, Bernard has the audacity to wink in his direction causing him to storm towards him. For him to only be held back by the collar of his shirt by Kayden. Whose other arm is holding Ellie close to his side. For the second time in our lives, he looks worried. It's not a normal look for him, and I don't know what to think in this moment.

Giving Liz my full attention, I pull her head away from my chest and look into her eyes. "Listen to me carefully," She is trying to fight out of my hold so she can look around the room, but I refuse to let her. I need her to really hear my words, so I squeeze her head tightly, causing her eyes to open wide as they look at me.

Her chest is lifting and falling fast as she openly panics. Truth be told she has every right to panic. If I could as well, but I need to remain calm. Continue thinking about all I can do in this moment to get as many survivors as I can. Because once this battle begins there will be no stopping it until there is no other choice. Whether that means surrender or death.

"When this begins, I want you to open a portal. Open a portal and grab as many people as you can and leave. Whether I am there with you in the end or not." She opens her mouth to speak but I pull her lips to mine. Stopping what ever she was about to say with a passionate kiss. I can taste the salt from her freshly falling tears.

Pulling back, I bring my forehead to hers, holding her eyes with mine. "I mean it Liz you do not wait for me. You do not come after me. I know what I must do to end this, and I cannot do that unless I know you are safe." She looks deep into my eyes as a whimper falls from her lips. I can see she wants to argue with me, but I beg her not to. "Please Liz does this for me. I must know you are both going to be okay..."

She looks into my eyes with fear and confusion staring back at me. I know she doesn't understand the meaning of my words, but she will sometime soon. What she doesn't know is Werewolves can sense when their mates scent changes. I've known hers has now for the past few minutes. I smelled it with the mix of her fear. And in this moment, I need her to get out of here. Need her to survive and live on even if it's without me.

As for me I need to take down the man that gave me life. That brought me into Hell but couldn't keep me there. For this angel that loves me, my little firecracker has given me a reason to end this and make this world a better place for her and the one within her body. I bring my hand to her stomach, and she looks at me a moment with confusion, but as I rub over the area the answer comes to her. She gasps as her eyes grow wide.

Giving her a smile, I kiss her forehead, as I pull away from her, I look above and pray to the God's above to watch over them. To make sure they make it through this night. Latching her wrist with my hand I walk her closer to the wall beside us and lift her arms with mine. I kiss her fingers, "I love you always have, and always will. Now please open it and go." I do the hardest thing in my life yet. I walk away from her towards the evil bastard that holds my stare with his. He knows everything and for that I need to extinguish him from our world.

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