Her Touch Calms My Beast

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I watch Liz as she takes off her clothing. She doesn't break eye contact for longer than the couple seconds it takes her to lift the shirt over her head. Dragging my pants down to my ankles I nod my head at her, telling her without saying a word what I want from her. To continue undressing for me.

She gives me a small smile though trepidation and confusion still shines through her eyes. She wants to know what had happened. Why I'm covered in blood. I'm not sure what I will say to her on the subject yet. What I am sure of is how much I need her in this moment more than anything.

Slowly, agonizingly slow she lifts her shirt over her head. I watch like a hawk as her beautiful body is revealed to me more and more. First, I see the skin of her flat stomach, my woman has abs on her stomach area. Makes my wolf go crazy in my head.

Then, when her glorious bare breasts come into view a growl works it's way up my throat and makes it's way out of my mouth. Causing her for a moment to step back in fear. Until her eyes make their way to mine. What she sees in them, I can only guess is lust, because the fear melts away. What is left is a look of surprise on her face. With a mix of her own list and curiosity.

Her cheeks have blossomed a beautiful red, her breathing has picked up. "The pants baby." Shaking her head, can only guess is to clear it, she unties her pajama pants. She pushes them down, showing me her long luscious legs. The part of her body I love around my head and waist.

"Don't forget yours." Her voice comes out in a breathy whisper as she points to my lower half. Reminding me I still have my own pants wrapped around my ankles.

"Get your sweet ass in the shower, I'll join you in a minute." She swallows at my words. I know she wants to say something. She doesn't want to leave me alone right now, but I stop her from speaking with one look.

She purses her lips, turns around giving me a clear view of her glorious round ass. Opening the shower door she steps in, and I can just make out the outline of her body.

She is facing the door, I'm guessing so she can keep me in her sights. Her head is tilted back, cascading water in her hair and making its way down her body. I can honestly say I've never been jealous of something so silly as water until this moment.

I bend down to finish taking my pants off. I turn and walk them to the hamper, looking at them once more. Seeing the last of that bastards blood. I throw it in the hamper with disgust, and turn to the vanity.

Bringing my hands to the edge, I mean against it. My head down, taking deep breaths. Trying to get in a better head pace before I join her in the shower. I don't want to frighten her anymore than I already have.

Looking up I immediately realize my mistake. I avoid mirrors at all cost. Men see a Werewolf to look up to, one that is brave and fierce. Women see a man they want to bed, with one look they can feel what I'm capable of doing to them. But all I see is the monster that raised me looking back at me.

I look just like him right down to my eyes. I hate it with a passion. Without realizing I'm gripping the vanity so hard my hands are turning white. I remove them before I break the vanity with my bare hands, or worse punch the mirror to break the image I see staring back at me.

Hearing the shower door open I turn around and walk over to Liz. There has never been anyone in this world that can calm me as much as Liz can just with a look.

Before she can say a thing I push her into the shower and climb in there with her. Pushing her against the time wall I close my eyes and breath her in. The feel of her hands on my arms is enough to calm the beast that's inside of me.

When I open my eyes and look into hers I can see everything she is feeling. The things she wants to say, the words she is hoping to convey to me, but I don't need her words. I can hear them through her baby blues.

I fall to my knees and place my head on top of her breast, over her heart. I bring her body even closer to me, as she places her hands into my hair. She runs her fingers through my hair. I close my eyes and just enjoy this moment with her.

Fearing that when this moment is over, and we talk about what happened down in the basement she will see me as a monster. I don't think I could handle that. For now I'll just sit here, holding her body to me. Wrapped in my arms she cannot escape me, she will stand here for as long as I will it.

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