Opening My Portal

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I must have fallen asleep because the feel of a hand along my cheek causes my eyes to pop open. It takes me a minute to get my bearings on where we are. Looking around I see the familiar walls of our bedroom. Joshua is sitting on the side of the bed looking down at me with admiration in his eyes.

"It's time firecracker." His words are so low if I hadn't been watching his lips move, I would have missed his message completely. It comes rushing back, everything about last night. Turning my head to the side I see its still pitch-black outside, meaning it's the dead of the night.

"We must go now. We know where they are and if we want to catch them by surprise we must go now." His words come out with more force this time. I have tears building behind my eyes, but I will not allow them to fall. This is the day I have been dreading for months and it's finally here.

I don't look at him as I sit up from my spot on the bed. He must have dressed me sometime because I have on pants and a long sleeve shirt covering my body. "You slept like the dead." I hear him rummaging through the drawers looking for something. Of what I'm not sure, and I'm too vulnerable right now to look at him. If I, do I know I'll break.

He kneels in front of me, I close my eyes for a moment. Doesn't he realize what this is doing to me? Doesn't he know I need a moment to myself, so I don't break down into a blubbering mess? "Firecracker, open those beautiful blue eyes and look at me." I must fight not to do as he says.

"Now beautiful!" His words are more forceful this time and have the right effect on me. They pop open of their own accord and stare into the deep brown of his. It takes me a minute, but I see he has something held in his hand. "What is that?" As I ask, he pushes my hair to the side, and wraps the silver chain around my neck.

"This," He locks the clip in place, straightens it out and looks back into my eyes. "Is a protective charm. When the time comes if anyone tries to attack you in any way, they will hit a forcefield and fly into the air landing on their asses." His words bring a small smile to my face. I love how even in a serious situation he can bring the softest of smiles to my face.

"When did you have this made?" I hold the pendant between my fingers studying the intricate design. There are swirls that look like a trees and mountains behind two wolves howling at the moon. It's beautiful. It fits him and I perfectly. "Months ago," His words pull my attention from the necklace and back to him.

He brings his hand below my chin, "You may want to close your mouth before bugs fly in." He uses my younger sister's little tease. I hadn't realized my mouth had fallen open. "You had this made for me before..." I can't finish that question. I am in shock, he thought of protecting me before we were truly together.

"You were always mine." My eyes shoot to his to see the stern look on his face. "There wasn't a doubt in my mind who you were to me. From the moment I first saw you as you were telling me off, I knew. I could smell it on you." I reach my hands out and hold onto his shoulders. To keep my body up right, I feel if I don't, I'll fall headfirst into the floor.

"Then why did you fight it for so long?" The tears I have been able to hold back thus far now fall freely down my cheeks. His thumb wipes them away as he studies me. He looks at me as though I am the only woman in the world. I suppose in a way for his world I am.

He kisses my forehead, before pulling me up from our bed. As we walk to the door I hear, "I'll explain everything after." Opening the door, we walk down the hall and meet everyone in the living area once more. It seems to me we are the last ones to arrive.

"About time you woke up their sleepy head." My sister says from across the room. I see Keith has his arm around her shoulders. The way they are standing tells me they are more than good friends now. Now the only question I have is if those feelings have always been there for him like they were for her? Shaking my head, I get out of those thoughts. We will be having a conversation about that later.

"Liz," Ellie walks up to me and holds my hands in hers. "You ready?" I swallow down the fear I am feeling. I know this needs to happen now. We need to put a stop to all of this before it goes too far. Giving her a nod, she gives me a sad smile as she pulls me to the center of the room.

"You're up." I hear Tony say from somewhere nearby. I pay no one else any mind. My focus entirely on Ellie in this moment. She faces her body my way, as we join our hands together. Looking out at the group of people, our family, I find Joshua.

For once he is standing front and center only a few inches away from me instead of in the back against a wall. I know he is doing this for me. He is going to be here to give me the strength I need to do this. Ellie kisses both my hands, drawing my attention to her. She winks at me, letting me know in her own way that she has complete faith in me.

I have only done this once before. Months ago when Kayden's father had captured my best friend. I was so determined to get her back, I stuck it to everyone who said it couldn't be done. That I wasn't powerful enough. I give her a nod of my head as I straighten my shoulders. Seeing the determination taking over my body she releases my hands and walks off to the side. Standing beside Kayden, he holds her close to his body.

I give Joshua one final look, before I look away, he walks up to me. He places his hand to the back of my hand and pulls me in for a passionate kiss. I hear some hooting and hollering from our family all around us. Neither of us care, I push my body into his chest, deepening the kiss even more.

When he pulls back, I see the faith held in his eyes. The belief he has for me. I give him one more peck before pushing his body away a few inches. Turning away from him I close my eyes and hold my hands out. I think about our mission, where we need to go to find the ones that have become our prey.

I think of his words he had said minutes before. How he will tell me everything once this is over. I have a reason to fight, a reason to make it back alive. I feel the light coming from my fingers, and before long I can see the shadow of the light from behind my eye lids. Opening my eyes, I must block them with my hands because the light is so overpowering.

Joshua pulls me back until I hit his chest. I watch as everyone walks through the portal I created. Taking a hold of my hand he kisses my fingers as we walk through to the other side together. 

Werewolves Surrender: Possessive Alpha's Book 2Where stories live. Discover now