Chapter Five

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I never thought that I'd be with Austin. The player. My best friend. The boy that I've watched play so many girls. Yet, I fell in love with him so long ago. I knew he was the one, but I was too blind to see it. I'm glad we're together. Everythings been perfect. It couldn't get any better. It's been two weeks, and we're happy as ever. I mean, I am. I don't know about him, but I'd say I'm a pretty good girlfriend.

"Hey, guys." I smiled as I walked into Alex's room.

"Hey." The boys' waved back.

"I figured Austin would be he?" I asked.

"No. He told us he'd be with you." Alex looked confused.

"What? No. He told me he was hanging with you guys today..." I trailed off wondering.

Then I saw it. Alex, Robert, Tyler, and Zach exchanged glances. Not just glances. The 'look'. That look means something happening. Something that they all promised wouldn't happen to me. No. It can't be true. I can't actually be thinking that he- no. I can't. I'm being ridiculous. I took a deep breath.

"Yeah, Austin's probably on his way to your house or something, don't sweat it." Robert broke the silence.

"Yeah, your right. I'll just wait for a call, to tell him I'm here." I said chuckling nervously.

"Hey, you know he wouldn't-" Zach started to say it but, I cut him off.

"-I know. But, I just...I don't know. He might." I shook my head.

"I don't think he'd do that to you." Alex shook his head.

Then we heard footsteps shuffling upstairs. The door opened revealing Austin and Dave. Austin smiled and then he saw me. He looked down a little but. Hm...sketchy. Just saying, it isn't easy to trust someone who 'was' a player. If you catch my drift.

"Hey, I just went to you house, and you weren't there, so I came back." Austin smiled.

"Oh. I was going to text you, but, whatever." I said.

Pheww...That was close...

"See, I told you. Don't sweat it." Robert commented.

"What are you guys talking about?" Austin asked as he sat next to me.

"Nothing." Robert and I replied in unison.

Quickly I might add.

"Wait-you. You thought I was cheating didn't you?" He asked knowingly.

"Wha-no. No, that's just...that's crazy." I choaked out.

"Number one, you're horrible at lying. Number two, I can't believe you'd think that!" He became angry.

"I-I just, I didn't know what else to think, ya'know. You kinda did play other girls." I pointed out.

He sighed. "I underdstand but, I'd never do that to you." He smiled at me.

I smiled back. "I hope not."

"Never babe, I love you." He said kissing me on my cheek.

"I love you too." I said.

"Let's go to your house, I want quality time with my baby." He said pulling me up gentley.

"Okay." I said simply and with that we left.


Austin pushed me to my bed. We were heated, he kissed me roughly. Passionately. I played with his hair. I pulled my legs around his waist. He smiled against my lips. He bit my bottom lip and slipped his tongue in my mouth. I let out a small moan. Somehow during all this he flipped me over and he was now ontop of me. He slid his hands down to my shorts. He began to unbutton them. I came to my senses.

"Austin. S-stop." I said.

He just kept sliding them off.

"Austin!" I shouted.

He stopped to look at me. "C'mon babe. I want to make love to you."

"No. You know I'm not the easy. I'm definately not ready yet." I said.

"When will you be? Jesus, I'm trying not to be the way I was. But, you have to work with me..." He tried to convince me.

"Austin, if you love me, you'll wait." I said.

"Your right. I'm sorry baby." He smiled.

He kissed me. After he pulled away I situated my shorts and all.

"Well, I have to get back to the guys. See you babe." He kissed my cheek and left.



I had nothing to do, so I decided to go to Alex's. I shuffled down my steps, and slowly made my way to Alex's. I had decided to walk, so I took me quite a while. I looked at me phone. 4:30pm. Not that bad... I started towards his door. I walked in. When I did, everything was quiet. I heard a moaning sound. Hm... I walked up to Alex's room. I put my ear to the door. I heard a video game, and that...sound. It sounds like kissing to me. I opened the door. My eyes widened in shock. Alex, Ty, Zach, and Robert were sitting there playing a video game. Meanwhile Austin was kissing...Taylor. Damn it! I knew it. The worst part is, they guys said nothing to me, they never told me anything. They all looked at me. Austin had guilt written all over his face. A tear escaped. I knew he was going to do this to me! I knew it! I turned away and started to walk down the steps. Not fast, because I knew. I knew that he was going to do this to me. So, shame on me.

"Mary! Mary, let me explain!" Austin shouted.

He finally reached me and pulled me to look at him. All the boys behind him.

"Please, understand....I never meant to hurt you." Austin said.

"I-I don't care." I said, but it broke my heart.

"Yes you do, otherwise you wouldn't be leaving." Austin said.

"No. I don't care, about any of you. I have not one single feeling inside for any one of you. You boys knew about it, and just let it happen...But, me. I knew, I knew that you'd do it. It was only a matter of time. I'm just glad I found out when I did." I explained.

Tear welled up in my eyes.

"Boo. I'm-I...I'm so sorry. Please, just let me-" Austin started.

"-I don't care. I don't want to hear it. I know all your excuses. But, to do this to me...that's low. Making me fall in love with you. Only to play with my heart, and emotions. You're fucked up. We were best friends." I said.

"Boo, you still are my everything." He whispered.

"Austin, I know you think that we'll make up and it'll be okay, just like always. But, this time. It's different. I'm done. For good. We can't have any kind of relationship any more. I can't even look at you anymore. I really just...You. You broke me. Shame on me, for letting you in. You're nothing but an unfaithful player. I should've seen it coming. But, the funny thing is, I did. I just ignored it." I said. "But, you know what. Fuck it. I don't care. It's all been said and done. It's over and so are we."

"Mary, babe. Please don't do this..." He begged. "I love you."

"If you loved me in the first place, you wouldn't have hurt me like you did." I said.

My tears were gone. I was just left broken hearted. By my best friend. No feeling in my body but numbness. I took a deep breath and opened the door.

"Bye Austin." I said and walked out.

The cold wind hitting my face. My hair blew in every which way. Here I am. Exactly where I knew I'd be. Broken-hearted. Alone. In the cold. Mad at the world. Wondering why I exist.


A/N:Hmm....suspense. I guess you could say it...whatever. Lemme know. Like it? Hate it? Want more? Comment, vote, add! Love you lovlies!

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