Chapter Two

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I woke up lazily to my annoying alarm. Gah, I hate the sound of that in the morning. I shot up from bed, all too quickly. I got those fuzzy things blurring my vision. I took a quick shower. I dryed my hair and straightned it. I threw on my Chicago Bulls Varsity and my white skinny jeans. I also put on my black vans. My phone buzzed. I tapped the screen. (2) messages from 'Sleezy H' (Alex) and (1) message from 'Ameezy' (Austin).

I clicked on them to read.

Sleezy H: Heyy :) Come over Meezyyy !

Sleezy H: Austin wants you to answer him.

Typicall. I exited out of those and tapped on Austin's message.

Ameezy: Boo <3 ! Answer mehh  ;3 I luvv yeww' come over!

Ugh! I guess I'll reply.

Me: Uh, sure. I'll be there soon.

Ameezy: YAY :D

He's such a kid. I made my way to Alex's. I walked in and proceeded upstairs. I pushed the door open.

"Hey, Meezy." Alex said.

"Hey, Sleezy." I giggled.

If you're wondering, the boys call me Meezy sometimes. Actually, often. We gave eachother nicknames for the crew. DMATB.

"What's good?" He asked.

"Nothing." I smiled.

"Hm...Up to something, are you?" He asked.

"No. Me? What? That's crazy." I am a terrible liar.

"You're terrible." He laughed.

"Hey, Meezy." Robert walked in with Austin.

"Hey, Robert." I smiled. "Austin."

"What's up?" Robert asked.

"Nothing, much." I smirked.

They all know I'm up to something. In fact I'm not even sure yet, but a great idea will cross my mind soon. I can feel it.

"Okay, weirdo." Robert sat next to Alex on his bed.

I'm on the spinny chair. I love the spinny chair <3

"Hey, boo?" Austin asked.

"Yeah?" I asked.

"Wanna go to the mall with us?" He asked.

"Uh, no not really." I said.

"Oh, come on." Robert begged.

"No." I said.

"Normally we wouldn't have to beg a girl to go to the mall." Alex chuckled.

"You know I hate the mall. There's too many people, and it pisses me off." I said.

"Would you just come?!" Alex said.

This means I have no choice. Austin yanked me up out of the chair. Robert held my wrist and began to lead me to the car. Urgg! I hate the mall. We got there in like fifteen minutes.

"Where to?" Robert asked.

"I don't care. I don't even want to be here." I crossed my arms.

"Forever 21, okay." Austin made it seem like I suggested that in the first place.

Wait, why does he want to go to Forever 21? Hm, sketchy. The basically, pulled me to the store. I do not like being here.

"Why are we here?" I asked in a sigh.

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