Before she could speak the front door to her home was cracked open and a hefty man came walking out. "Hey baby. Everything okay out here? I heard shouting" He questions. Athena plasters a fake smile on her face and gives this man a kiss on the cheek. Valentine blood boiled as she watched this act play out right in front of her eyes — "Everything's fine baby. I'm just talking to a friend of mines. Go back inside and get some sleep for work tomorrow" She told him. The man looked Valentine's way and then back at Athena before pecking a kiss on her lips. Soon enough he walked away and her home door was closed back shut to a quiet night.

"I take it that's Kalep" — Athena looked down then back up before agreeing to Valentine's accusation. Valentine gripped her steering wheel and pushed her hands across the rubber to keep her brain intact. — Athena sighs into the air — "I didn't plan this. He just kinda popped up on me." She explained. Valentine leans back into her driver seat and calmly relaxed her emotions. She couldn't be mad that he was here she knew Athena was taken. She just didn't plan for him to show up so soon.

"Look... He's leaving for the morning" Athena revealed. Valentine looks this woman in her eyes — "You say it like you don't even want him here. — Athena opens her mouth then shuts it — "I— I don't know what I want Valentine. I love him. But... my mind wonders elsewhere when I'm with him" — Valentine's heart skipped more beats than she needed it to — "It's good to know I'm not alone" Valentine confirms. Athena cracks a big smile. "I never said you were" She answers.

After watching Athena step back into her home with the door closing right behind her Valentine made her departure home.

Valentine stepped into her home, threw her keys on the counter and removed every cloth of clothing she had on her skin. Before she could add the pile to her laundry someone sitting on her couch stole her attention instead. "Don't stop. I love a show" The woman said. Valentine covered her erection immediately and asked this woman's name and why she thought it was okay to step into her home. Anger stained Valentine's voice as she waited for a response.

But after standing for over 5 minutes she knew she wasn't going to get one. The woman sat there quiet on her couch with this look on her face in the dark. Valentine couldn't see her through the mirror over her fireplace in the living room area but the woman could. Valentine stormed over to the woman, switched on her lamp and shocked herself. "Diane?" Valentine questioned. Her heart raced with fear, her body felt empty and her mind remembered the past this woman gave Valentine.

"You've grown" Diane said as her eyes fell down below. "What are you doing here?" Valentine asked her. "You know what I'm here for. Don't act stupid" She sharply told. Valentine eyebrows went up instantly as she thought of her brother doing something stupid again. She knew that Diane only came when her brother couldn't pay his dues to her. She remembered the day she agreed to cover his debt whenever he couldn't pay.

"How much this time?" Valentine asked her. — Diane sucked her tongue in before biting down on her bottom lip — "You know.. It's been a while since I've had some good sex" — Valentine tilts her head to the side in confusion — "And you look like the right candidate for this job" Diane drops the tied up sweater she had on around her naked body — "I'm not for sale" Valentine straight off told her. "I never said you were. But for tonight I want that — Diane points down to Valentine's erect sex — in replace of the money I would've asked for" Diane reveals. Valentine should have said no, screamed no, even stood her ground but, she knew who Diane was in the business of drugs and money.

Her brother Winston could never hold up a deal bigger than his eyes, so here Diane was.. finding someone else to pay it for him, otherwise she'd shoot him where he stood without a thought in the world.

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