me again

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Hi I am sorry but I am currently working on the Harry Potter x percy jackson x black widow story but I will update soon.

The reason for this post is because the Demi-Gods have ADHD which is something I don't have so I will not be able to understand on a personal level which I want my readers to be able to relate.

I feel like research can never show the full extent of how ADHD can effect a person either minor or major.

So if you have ADHD or if you simply want any other (I really hate calling things 'illness' just because you function differently so I'm just going to leave it blank) that you want a character to have or be mentioned.

Please tell me about them. Comment or message me how it can effect simple things or major in your life,ticks you may have, just give me a idea instead of having to read it online probably written by someone who has no idea what it is like to live with it.

Thank you 😊

The Redroom Demi-God (on hold)Where stories live. Discover now