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(Fates are narrating)

1 Year Later

9 years old (has make to make her look older).

[Amara is seen sitting in the back seats of a van with 2 guards are with her and 1 driver]


Guard one: "you ready?"

Amara: "yeah"

Guard two: "you go in, you get the stuff if anyone interrupts you kill them"

Amara: "got it"

Guard one: "I will keep you notified if anyone enters"

[Amara exits the van wearing smart clothes and enters the building walking towards the office]

Amara:"hi, I have a meeting with Mr Smith"


Amara: "Natasha Tonks, I know I'm a bit early, but I'm super nervous, and you know what they say better early than late"

[She says with a chuckle with a polite smile]

"Good lie" Hermes and the Twins compliment.

Receptionist: "no worries dear, here is your pass, it's the 3rd floor on the left, wait right outside and he will arrive shortly"

[Amara nods clips the pass to her blazer stepping into the elevator pressing the 3rd floor]

Amara to the ear piece: "confirmation that the 3rd floor is empty"

Guard through ear piece: "affirmative"

[She goes towards the office door, crotches down and picks the lock it opens with a click]

[She enters and looks around the office]

Amara to ear piece: "Okay what am I looking for"

Guard through ear piece: "a black and gold USB, you have 4 minutes"

"What are you doing?" Grover and Percy ask confused.

"A mission I needed to get something for them"

[Amara is shown going through draws, bookshelves, looking on the dest opening and closing draws]

"2 minutes"

"Talk about pressure" Hermes scoffs

[She curses and starts throwing books off the shelves onto the floor as she checks to see if any are fake]

"1 minute"

"Why are they counting down?" Will asks worried.

[Starting to panic she goes back to the desk going through the draws opening then closing them then feeling underneath]

"30 seconds"

[She found it under the draw and pulls it out]

"Shit" "hurry up!"

"Great you found it, exit out the window you have 20 seconds"

"What? "Why the window?"

"You'll see" Amara says rubbing her forehead as she's starting to get a headache.

Apollo seeing her distress takes her pony down and starts playing with her hair hoping the relief some stress, which she does and she relaxes into him.

[She shots at the window before jumping out landing onto the next building that was a bit lower, rolling out of it, sprining towards the fire escape, climbing down it as fast as she can]

[As she's running towards the van the build she was previously at explodes causing chaos everywhere as she gets into the van and it speeds off]

Most jump at the explosion holding their hand where there heart it.

Podeison even though he knew he couldn't get one thought he was going the have a heart attack

"Holy shit"

That wasn't amara's first mission and it wouldn't be the last. Over time it just became a way of living for her, it was her new normal.

Sadness fills the room, sad how Amara never knew what a real family or life was.

Even though most Demi-Gods didn't have one theirs was still better than what she has went through

Due to her being the best she was given more missions than anyone else in the redroom.

She didn't want to do them it's not like she had a choice.

She couldn't run she had a tracker in her, after all where would she actually go? She had no one.

"I do now" She says giving everyone a teary smile.

Her mom was dead, she didn't know who her dad was or if he even knew or wanted her,

"If I knew I would of made sure you was safe or taken you with me fuck the rules" Podeison tells his daughter seriously.

Zeus was about to say something something with a scowl but stops when he see the looks all the Gods give him.

Most of them didn't care or didnt disagree with the rules but seeing this, and seeing what could of happened to one of their kids, they are starting to think maybe they should be involved more.

and after a while of being constantly told "you have no place in the world" "the redroom is your home" you eventually believe it, and a normal life is just a dream, a dream that seemed impossible to become a reality.

The Redroom Demi-God (on hold)Where stories live. Discover now