Age 6/7

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[Dramatic music playing]

[Birds chirping]

[Soft piano music playing]

[Kids chatting]

3 years later, OHIO

"Hey Amara"

"That's you" The stroll twins and Hermes exclaim.

Amara ignores them staring at the screen cold faced. She didn't think they would show this day.

[Kids whooping and laughing quietly]

[Whistle note]

[A young girl whistles back]

Amara whistled with her younger self.

The young girl: "we are both upside down"

Young Amara: "and I bet you will fall down first"

All the Demi-Gods say at the same time "always competitive" which she responds with a cheeky smile that Apollo melts at.

Young girl: "No you will, you can't hold it much longer"

[The girl grunts and falls down]

Young Amara: "told you, told you, you would fall down first, told you"

[The girl trips and falls]

Young girl: "Mommy" Says sobbing

The mom: "what happened"

Young Amara: "She fell on her knee"

The mom :"ahh you bumped your knee"

Young girl: "Mmm-hmm"

The mom: "oh kissing it better...there we go (shushing) oh come one, little one. Get up. You're okay. Come on. You brave girl. Your pain only makes you stronger. Right?

Young girl: "yeah"

The mom: "yeah?"

Young girl: "look forest stars"

The mom: "yeah, you know what? Those are actually lampyridate family, and the glow, the glow you see, comes out of a chemical called bioluminscience. Come on time for dinner."

Percy, the twins, Hermes and Thalia exclaim "bio what now?"

Young girl:"bio-gloomin-feasants?"

The mom: "yeah that's right bio-gloomin-fesants. Dinner come on, come on big girl."

Young girl: "I want mac and cheese"

The mom:"oh, you want mac and cheese?okay well I want...caviar and champagne. Grab the napkins. You take this thank you. Oh, would you grab the ranch dressing for dad?"

Grover dreamy say "yeah that does sound good"

Younge Amara: "okay"

[Distant thuding]

The mom: " daddy's home"

Young Amara:" hi, dad"

Poseidon looks confused as to why Amara is calling this man her Dad.

The dad:"hi baby girl" he ruffles her hair

The mom:"is everything okay?"

The dad: sighing "how was everyone's day?"

Young girl:" Mommy taught me about the lamp bugs"

The dad: "lamp bugs" he chuckles

Young girl:"and I fell on my knee, but it doesn't hurt anymore"

The dad: "Mmm-Hmm"

Young girl:"and we saw fireflies in the backyard. That was my favourite part of the whole day"

[The mom and dad leave the room and talk behind the wall]

The mom:"no" giving him a sad look "how long do we have?"

The dad:"I don't know maybe a hour maybe"

The mom:"I don't want to go back"

The dad:"don't says that" he exhales sharply before going back to the table
" you remember when I told you that one day we were going to have a big adventure? Well today's the day"

Young girl:"yayyy"

The dad:"alright let's go" [picking up the young girl leaving in a hurry]

[Young Amara is shown with panic on her face teary eyes]

Everyone looks confused at eachother as why Amara looks panic at the idea of a family trips.

They look towards her only to find her avoiding eye contact with everyone.

Apollo seeing her distress kisses the top of her head and bring her into her arms that she relaxes a little into.

The mom:"I'm sorry"

[The dad takes a gun from a high shelf]

"Is that a gun?" All the Goddess yell in outrage.

The mom: "come on we got to hurry"

Young girl:"I don't have any shoes"

The dad:"That's okay you don't need any shoes"

Young girl:"but I'm still hungry"

The dad:"yeah? Guess what? I've got fruit roll ups in the car"

[Young Amara grabbing her shoes, reaches for a photo album but the mom stops her]

The mom:"no, leave it, leave it. Go and wait in the car" to the dad "do you have it"

The dad:" yeah it's the only one not on fire"

"Not on fire?"

[In the car]

Young girl:"Where we going"

The mom:"home"

Young girl:"Mommy, silly, we just left home. I want my song"

[American pie plays through the car stereo, as the young girl sings alone]

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