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[They fly the plane all the way to Cuba., where the dad helps the mom out the plane then meets up with a man]

[The mom is unloaded onto the Strecher,  young yelena and Amara is right beside her]

[Young Yelena grabs her hand]

YOUNG YELENA: Get up, Mommy. Pain only makes you stronger, remember?

[Young Amara is shown crying knowing exactly what is going to happen to them]

[The dad is shown walking toward the man with a bag in hand]

The man: "The Red Guardian returns"

Amara finches in Apollos arms at the sound of his voice.

As James clenches his fist with a frown on his face at the man.

The dad: The Red Guardian returns triumphant.

[The two men kisses eachother cheeks]

Amara is disgusted with her spy dads past self. How could he supported this?

The dad: Please, please, I beg you. No more undercover work. I wanna get back in the action. I want my suit back. I wanna get back in it. General Dreykov, it’s been over three years.

Young Amara :(SPEAKING RUSSIAN) Forgive me mom. I’m scared.

Everyone looks at her in sadness. She doesn't need to ask for forgiveness for being sad or scared.
Apollo tightens his hold on Amara hearing this wishing he could of comforted her then.

The mom : (IN ENGLISH) Never let them take your heart.

"She didn't" Jamed States proudly.

[A soilder grabs Young Amara and pushes her aways making her fall]

Everyone was outraged. How dare they push her! Most were remembering what this man looks like to give him a painful death especially Apollo, Podeison, and even Hades not that he will admit it but she is his favourite niece, she's never judged him once like most do.

The man: (IN ENGLISH) Did you get it?

[The dad chuckles and pulls out a CD out if his pocket and hands it him]

Amara flinches.

The man: And the North Institute?

The dad: Ashes.

[Young amara comforts yelena putting an arm around her as they put the stecher in a truck]

Young Amara: It’s gonna be okay.

The man: How is Melina?

The dad : She’ll live. She’s strong.

"Damn right" Amara agrees


[As they close the truck door Amara still has her arm around Yelena]

Young Amara: Mom?

[Yelena notices her dad and starts to run towards him]


Amara has tears in her eyes, most looking at her in pity. She doesn't want it.

The dad: I’ll handle this.

Young yelena:Daddy!

[A soilder grabs her arm and stops her from going farther]


Young Amara: Yelena!

[Amara shouts as she chases after her]

Young Yelena: (SOBBING) Daddy!

[Young Amara runs and kicks the soilder away from her, grabbing his gun and pointing it at him and the other soilders]

Everyone's eyes widen at the sight of Young Amara threatening them with a gun.

Young Amara: Get away from her! Don’t touch her!
(SPEAKING RUSSIAN) I will shoot.
(IN ENGLISH) Don’t touch her! I will kill you all!
(SPEAKING RUSSIAN) I will shoot. Don’t touch her.

The Dad: Honey.

[As he approaches holding his hands up and slowly walking towards them]

[Amara panting holding the gun to his chest as she focuses on him]

"You’re gonna need to hand me that gun."

Young Amara: I don’t wanna go back there.


You had already been there that Young?

I wanna stay in Ohio. You can’t take her. (VOICE BREAKING) You can’t. She’s only 4.

ALEXEI: You were even younger.

[He says as he calmly takes the gun out of her hands]

How young? Zico asks.

"2/3" Amara says "right after i was taken when my mom was killed don't have many memories until I was after 4 then I was taken to Ohio"

It’s okay. Come here.

[He kneels infront of them]

[Amara bring Yelena from behind her, both of them having tear streaks down their cheeks]

Amara hasn't let go of Apollo and she doesn't want to.

You’re gonna be all right. [He whispers] Do you know why it’s gonna be all right? ‘Cause my girls are the toughest girls in the world. You’re gonna take care of each other, okay?

[The man gives a signal to two guards and they slowly walk towards them]

Everyone pales

Amara blinks away her tears and hides her self I'm Apollos shoulder.

And everything, everything’s gonna be fine.

[He finishes as the two guards plunge the surging into the girls necks, knocking them unconscious]

Everyone flinches and anger fills the room watches these soilders picking the girls up as if they were a bag of rice.

The man : That one, she has fire in her. [He observes as the dad walks back to him] What was her name?

The dad: Amara

The man: Ah… Amara.

Everyone was fuming as he talked about her like she is a tool to used.
Amara flinches and looks uncomfortable at the way he said that.

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