Killed or Be Killed

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(The fates are narrating)

The seven year old tried not to cry when she came back to The redroom.

She tried her hardest not to when they handcuffed her to the bed on the first night, remembering how her mom used to tuck her and Yelena in bed while they were in Ohio.

[Twenty eight pristine white cots are shown lined in a large, bitter cold room. All occupied with young girls around the same age as Amara lying down hand cuffed to the bed]

"So many girls" Aphrodite says sadly.

[Camera moves to Amara's face as she stares blankly at the ceiling tears in her eyes but letting none fall]

This breaks the ones closes to her hearts seeing her like this.

Amara had been in the Redroom for a week before you could start seeing weight coming off her.

[Shows a dinning Hall with long silver tables, girls all dressed the same, there was no chatter as the girls all ate the same thing while guards were walking around holding guns]

3 full meals a day filled with a variety of foods, snacks and treats turned into a piece of bread, a piece of fruit and a cup of water for dinner and a bowl of porridge, 1 piece of toast, a piece of fruit and a cup of water for breakfast.

"That isn't even a meal" Grover says in shock.

It was paining her to walk, not only were there instructors "training" their bodies but they were also "training" there minds.

Confusion spreads across the room.

They sought out the girls worse fears by testing each and every monster on them until they discovered which ones made them squirm the most and using them against them.

The Demi-Gods shiver at the thought of their fears.

They would use theses fears and show and test them over and over again no matter how much they cried or begged for it to stop they kept going until the girls just became numb...emotionally numb.

Most looking at Amara realising that it wasn't her naturally being fearless...she was made that way.

[A 7 years old Amara is shown exiting the room, head held high blanked faced as she passed other girls that were linned up to go into that room, you can also see tear stains on her cheeks and her hands slightly shaking at her side]

[Scene changes to a larger room where Amara is in the middle of it struggling to keep her fists up as her feet trip backwards. An older man is opposite her with his own fists raised and his knuckles covered in blood but it wasn't his own]

"That's not fair" "his a full grown man" "I will kill him slowly and painfully"

It was safe to say many moved away from the god.

[Twenty seven girls stood stiffly around, with their hand clasped behind their backs, watching as Amara fight against grown man]

[The man jabbed forwards and hit his fist knocking her in the nose, as she stumbled back her nose pouring of blood tears in her eyes]

"Mother fucker"

[He caught her off guard, and with a swift pull she fell down with a crack. Her body feel awkward and she landed in her elbow, groaning she held it close to her hoping to dull the pain]

Most wince at hearing the crack as she landed

[He pushes her shoulder into the ground as she went to defend her self, he snatched her easily onto her pained arm. The other girls all hear her bones break as the man twisted her arm around as she screamed in agony]

The Redroom Demi-God (on hold)Where stories live. Discover now