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Seeing Amara in this panic pained state mostly everyone went and found a seat and spoke to each other as her brother, farther, lover and best friend were trying to calm her down.

Her breathing was shallow, mind was fussy she couldn't think straight million of thoughts running through her head right now oh gods what was she going to do?
What would they think of her? Would they look at her any different? Would her own farther still want her after only knowing him for 3/4 years? What would her brother think of her he looks up to her would he still do? Oh and Apollo sweet Apollo would he still want her after seeing how truly damaged she was? And the big secret she's been keeping for 4 years from everyone but James they're all going to know!

James releasing she was close to a panic attack which she hasn't had for years, gripped her shoulder so she focused on him and spoke to her in Russian
"Focus Amara, deep breathe"
She wasn't even paying attention instead reply in the same language
"No, no ,no they can't do this, it's not fair, I don't want this"
James eyes softened at her words while poor Percy looked confused as the other two Gods knew what she was saying and decided to let her friend try to calm her down before they intervined.

"It was bound to come out sooner or later you knew this, we knew this, we have been preparing for this soon as we found out you have a family"
Instead of panic her eyes just showed how much she didn't want this, this look caused them all to soften and curse the fates for doing this too her, not realising it wasn't just James she replied in English
"They aren't going to look at me the same, they are going to see me as who I truly am a broken doll a shell of who I am I don't want that"

Before james could respond to her, her farther didn't like her speaking about her self that way and softly gripping her chin so he could look in her eyes and firmly said
"You are my daughter, and nothing will change that no matter what we see"
Hearing this she relaxed a little and gave her farther a small smile in thanks.

Seeing what her farther done Apollo gave her forehead a kiss before telling her in a self firm voice that told her not to argue
"No matter of what you have gone through, the scars printed on your skin, the horrors in your mind I will always love you and nothing will change that" relaxing a bit more but not completely she looked at her big brother hoping he will say something too, Percy felt his own eye tear up he has never seen his baby sister in this much distressed it was absolutely heart breaking and there was nothing he could do about it apart from give her some comfort so he told her in a gentle voice
"Amara, no matter what youre my little sister, nothing and I mean nothing at all will ever change that" giving her a soft smile at the end and bringing her into a brotherly her she relaxed and but her paranoia got the better of her and looked at all them in a frail voice one none have heard before
"You promise you aren't going to leave me after seeing this"
They all shared a look before replying "we swear on the river styx" thunder echoed to seal their oath.

Finally calming down they joined everyone else aggressively wiping away the tears putting her mask back on as if she hadn't cried at all sitting on a sofa in-between Apollo and James as her farther and brother sat close by she cursed the fates before grumbling
"let get this over with"

The Redroom Demi-God (on hold)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن